Colors of 2013

This – almost – past year I have been participating in a group of photographers on facebook – Colors of 2013. Eva, of Eva Ricci Studio, gave us one (or two) color(s) per month and we all started shooting photos with these in mind. Maybe you have seen one of my previous posts or the November one, where I got to host the awesome turquoise collages by every one of the talented ladies.

The December colors were all holidays: Red & Green or Blue & White and while I missed a few months due to time constraints, I certainly would not want to miss this group. It has been challenging at times, but always interesting and fun. Not sure what will happen next year, but my hope is that in one way or the other we will continue and I will be able to participate.

Below are all the photos and/or collages I assembled throughout the year with this group. To see the beautiful photos of the other participants, please follow our blog circle to my colleague Karrie Brewer Drake of Karrie Drake Photography.

Click the pictures to enlarge

~ January in Red ~



~ February in pink ~


~ March in green ~


~ April in white ~


~ May in blue ~


~ June in yellow ~


~ July in purple ~



~ August in shades of gray ~


~ September in brown ~ (I never got to make my collage)

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~ October in orange ~


~ November in turquoise & gold ~

Nada from me 🙁

~ December in holiday colors ~


Have a wonderful 2014!

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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!

6 thoughts on “Colors of 2013”

  1. Happy New Year, Claudia! I loved looking at last year’s photos through a color theme – very nice! You’re so talented. Here’s to a New Year of having fun together in Blogosphere!


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