Dark Clouds




Short I am for words tonight

but for pictures I’m never short.

Dark Clouds – Poppies before the Storm

poppies, red, storm, clouds


And now for the Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:feelingbeachiebutton 200x200


  1. When do you start and end you ‘normal’ day?
  2. Why is it that I can never wait for the next weekend? And vacation?
  3. During a power outage I can’t help but think ‘Come on… we’re in the USA – why no power?!’
  4. Singing in the shower is fun, unless it is my hubby – sorry, hubby 😉

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32 thoughts on “Dark Clouds”

  1. Gorgeous shot!

    I’ve been staying up too late and in bed too long! Times about to change though.
    My days tend to run all together sometimes.
    Sometimes I don’t mind a power outage.
    Singing anywhere is fun!

  2. Hi Claudia! I still love that photo!
    During a power outage, I think: Oh how beautifully quiet it is with no machines constantly humming in the background. Let’s light a candle and talk to each other!
    Here’s to a happy weekend!

    • Hehehe – I know, Maureen, you’ve seen it first on G+ 🙂 But I thought I had to share it here, too.
      You are right, that can be a (and was during Sandy the only) positive thing during an outage.

  3. I always tell my hubby not to quit his day job – not that I’m so much better at singing! 🙂 But he shoudl defintely stick to his instruments! Love the poppies, not a sight you see down here and one, as I told you before, remninds me of home and childhood.

    • You have got a very musical family, Susi. I don’t think I have heard him sing yet, but the guitar is great.
      Yeah, poppies – so beautiful. When I saw they were in bloom while I was in Germany in June I specifically went on a poppy hunt. And got rewarded by clouds, too 😉

  4. This is a stunning photo – needs no word {but I’m glad you thought of a few phrases of 6 and shared it with us!!} …I’m often singing and don’t even realize it. Not good at the office!

    • Thank you, Adrienne. I had to come with some words to be able to share with you. I tell you, sometimes it is easy, but sometimes – not so much.
      Hah – singing in the office?! That’d be something 🙂

    • Thank you so much! You have got a long day. I used to get up at 6 and go running, but since my run-in with lyme last year, I seem to have lost my will to get up that early – sigh – although I should.

    • Thank you very much, Tamara. Right now we have almost only b&w photos up on our walls, but… one day…
      I think singing is great no matter where and when, only – the singer should be aware if it is fit for public hearing or not 😀

    • Thank you, Hilary. After the few disasters that happened since we moved here we have thought about getting a generator, but so far never did. Too many choices and rather difficult to find the right sized one for a townhouse…
      I can imagine, LI must have been very scary during and then after Sandy – oh my…

  5. Very edgy picture. Brings back memories of walking home from school through a field as a child. I feel ya on the generator. I have an electrician in the family and he tells me I cannot have one. No place to put one where the fumes would not be a huge problem.

    • Walking through the fields to school sounds like fun today, I bet not so much when you were a child though.
      Exactly, the space that generator would need, depending on the power output etc. etc.

  6. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I LOVE this one. I’d decorate an entire room around that picture. 🙂
    I am never to bed before midnight – sometimes later – and all the kids are usually up by 8 am. That will have to change when school starts — they will be up earlier. I will still be up till midnight. I’m just a night owl.
    I am very fond of shower singing. I don’t know any other way to take a shower??? 🙂

  7. The last power outage was the day before yesterday. It was just before dinner time and lasted about 1.5 hrs with some short moments of flickering light. I am still in Montenegro btw and I love this photo with the threatening sky !

    Cheers, Michael


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