Ghostly – shadows like fingers trying to…
#dpgram #dp365 #dp100 #monochrome #blackandwhite
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Photography | Composites | Illustration | Painting | Drawing
Ghostly – shadows like fingers trying to…
#dpgram #dp365 #dp100 #monochrome #blackandwhite
Published via Pressgram
Happy anniversary, Claudia! 100 days of inspiring photography, presented to us as if it was just a few minutes time to process and finish them. Of course it is not. I admire your engagement and your passion!
Today’s image reveals an interesting conjunction of shadow and light, both forming the base of what the challenge of photography makes so interesting.
Cheers and many more such good ideas and shots!
Thank you so much, Michael! I really appreciate you stopping by every now and then and leaving a note for me 🙂
Hmm, since you’ve got an iPhone now, too, you know that sometimes it really does only take minutes to process/finish a photo – like this one. Not too much to it, but I love how it turned out. Don’t the trees in the back look like guards or troops waiting and watching? Initially it was only the light and shadows that grabbed my attention, but then on the screen I saw how well it all played together.
Thanks and I sure hope so!
oh it is like they are reaching out for me!! very spooky….. or, maybe these trees really do just need a hug? 🙂
I know, it looks like they’re trying to get you ‘beware of the shadows…’ – hm, a hug? A tree-hug(er)?! 😀
Thank you, Claudia, for your comment! Looking at your photo again I also have the impression that the trees and their shadows somehow lurk and maybe even reach for the observer. ;-0You are right, with this amazing built-in camera in my new iPhone it sometimes only takes minutes- if not seconds -to obtain an interesting shot (without post-processing then of course). Peti pitched his Instagram to me only recently, when we were lucky to spend 3 days in the mountains skiing. One of the photos I occasionally took with the 5s is posted in Peti’s Instagram photo gallery
I called it “Waiting Room” or “2 men in a cable car” (not straightened as I see right now…)
Have a nice weekend!
I added the link, but I’m not sure, you may have to be on instagram to be able to open the photo.
I saw the photo in Peti’s stream and was wondering who took it – I do like it. Did you also take the one where he stands leaning against that Indian pole? Hope you had a good time. I always loved Silvretta 🙂
Admittedly, it was also me who pulled him to the Indian pole. It attracted my attention when I saw it standing just at the edge of the hillside. If there had been a rope, the photo would have been even more authentic, maybe… 😉 On this first day the weather wasn’t playing the gane, though. It was much better on Sunday and Monday before we returned.
We really had a good time that weekend. Despite the overall spring like temperatures we faced considerably much snow. Skiing for the first time after my long lasting injury was a lot of fun!
Thank you for adding the link! I can well see my photo on the web right now!
You’re very welcome, Michael. I still remember one skiing weekend when we also had very spring like temps. I really did not want to wear my skiing gear, suit, because it was so warm, but… considering the harsh icy, snow and me being a noob – it was better to wear it. I am glad you did enjoy it and have recovered from your injury!
Eerie but very cool.
To me – that sums it up perfectly, Ida. I look at it and almost get goose bumps, but then I think – hey it’s the sun!