Site icon …. by Claudia Willison

WIP (#2) manga drawing from sketch to color


Great to have you pop over. This month I participate in Art Every Day Month and also in NaBloPoMo – wish me luck!

November 5th

NaBloPoMo’s writing prompt for today is: … Guess what? There is none. I guess the NaBloPoMo people are leaving weekends completely to our own imagination. Maybe I should have read a beginner’s guide first.

Off to Daily Prompts – there word today is ‘Hyperbole’ ?!*?? Something must be wrong with me this morning, or in general? I have got no idea what that is. Off to Wikipedia, here we go:

 exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally

Which makes me think of metaphor, however hyperbole has a humorous effect created by an overstatement. I am sure all you writers and teachers out there knew that, not me. Time to resort to my kind of art. AEDM and sARTurday – yay!

So, a couple of days ago I showed you a WIP. A sketch of a little manga girl panel. The idea was to post it a couple of days later inked. Weeeell, I didn’t take into account the perfectionist in me. First of all, from the beginning her face, most especially her eye had bothered me, so I changed it. Also, I wanted the girl to be drawn as a chibi. Don’t know what a chibi is? Check here and keep in mind there are versions from barely chibi to exaggerated chibi.

After lengthy discussions with my manga/anime adviser a.k.a. hubby David I then erased the girl’s body completely and started it from scratch. Shorter, wider, completely different proportions. Oh, and I also changed the mouth. I decided to put the changes together in Photoshop in a gif and the (final) inked version below. Over the weekend I will be adding more detail to this and color it. *update* turns out that the gif doesn’t work due to some added code with the theme. Until I get it to work I’ll post the individual steps as a slideshow*update*

Unless, of course, the perfectionist strikes again and sees something that needs to be changed.

Have a great weekend and if you’re in the US enjoy the added hour of sleep!



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

WIP 2) Changing the sketch and adding ink

Created completely on my iPad Pro with ProCreate

manga, drawing, ink


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