The things you stumble across when you travel the world. In this case ‘the world’ is not that far away from home, but ‘only’ some hundred miles south of home at Nags Head in North Carolina. We are renting an oceanfront house for the week and one morning, October 5th, when I woke up the beach was crowded by anglers standing in front of their (pick-up) truck, holding fishing rods or having them stuck into holders – surf fishing! Needless to say that I was very surprised to see so many vehicles on the wonderful beach in front of our house. Curious as I am I googled and found out the 61st Annual Nags Head Surf Fishing Club Invitational Tournament is held right here from October 5th to October 8th. So, there you go, that’s what it is all about. Apparently you can catch flounders, stripers or even tuna and billfish. Since we have such a fantastic view from our deck, I took the opportunity and shot a few photos from up here. I was somewhat surprised to see that there are a lot of women surf fishing. I guess I should not be, after all, I used to go fishing too at one time. As you can see from the pictures, they had very nice weather, I don’t know if I ever experienced it that warm in October. It is sunny and the air is ocean fresh and – when the sun is gone – crisp. The fishermen and women certainly got lucky there. I am not so sure about their catch. I haven’t seen anybody hauling in any fish so far, although I am fairly sure they must have. As they continue fishing I wish them ‘Petri heil’ (as they say in Germany) or good fishing and enjoy your lovely beach!
Attached are the pictures taken. As usual, if you spot yourself and feel uncomfortable with your photo being online, please drop me a line. Thanks!