Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to September and welcome to my Saturday linky party – s~A(R)T~urday!
“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” Andy Warhol
I may have displayed this quote by Andy Warhol before, but I felt it very appropriate, because – it is September, times are changing. Can you feel the chill in the air? No? Me neither – hahaha – well, not at the moment. We are having a ‘heat wave’ here in New Jersey and I love it. Yet, it is obvious that fall is just around the corner. Every day seems to be shorter than the previous. Pretty soon I’ll be driving home from work with my car’s headlights on – sigh – I am so not looking forward to that.
I know that many of you cannot wait for fall and possibly even winter? And, I get it. Fall has such beautiful colors, crisp air and pumpkins, what’s not to love?! Do you want to know? The fact it is closely followed by winter. That is what gets me. Winter – when daylight and days are too short to do something outside, at least if you are working full time. You never know how long winter is going last either. But in any case, it is too long for me. I’d love to live where there are six months of summer, two months of fall, one month of winter (no more!) and three months of spring. That would be pretty much perfect. Do you know of a location that fits that description? No? Damn’! Well, I thought I’d ask.
The end of summer also means the end of summer break. And I am not talking about school, but blogging. Two of my favorite bloggers took a summer break. But now – they are back! Leslie and her Coffee Chat on Time Out For Mom and Kathy and her Song-ography on You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out. Both are Tuesday memes that I love and regular participate in. But with my current time regimen, I doubt that I will be posting on Tuesdays or Mondays for that matter, but we’ll see. Since my creative path is currently taking me along an analog (aka drawing & painting) journey I dug out an image that I created earlier this year and it fits perfectly Kathy’s Song-ography. Who doesn’t know the song
~ Behind Blue Eyes ~
by The Who – the original, or my fav version by Limp Bizkit. But my favorite blue eyes by far are my hubby’s. Needless to say, he was not very happy 1) when I snapped this photo of him 2) I edited it the way I did and 3) posted it online, well, actually, he accepts that part of my / our world by now pretty well, but still.
Last week’s final entry to s~A(R)T~urday came from Ramona of Create with Joy. Have you been blogging for a while? And participating in weekly memes? Yes? Then I am sure you know Ramona’s virtual home. She has got fantastic parties running MWF (Monday, Wednesday, Friday – for the un-initiated :)). An avid reader and book reviewer and creator of beautiful handmade cards, Ramona has quickly become one of our s~A(R)T~urday regulars. And in case she did not create a card, there is always a fun and creative photo of one of her gorgeous Maine Coon cats. She shared one of Magellan in last week’s entry here.
p.s. I am posting a little early this week, because I am off to meet friends who are visiting from Germany, so I won’t be around tomorrow. Have a great Labor Day weekend if you are in the US!
*** Here is where I link up today. ***
Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:
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“Don’t think about making art, just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding, make even more art.”
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if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.
Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
Viel Spass mit Deinem Besuch!
Herzlich Pippa
Jaaaaa, den hatten wir. Wie üblich wars viel zu kurz, aber sie wollen verständlicherweise noch weiter und mehr von den USA sehen 🙂
cool portrait image 🙂
Thank you, Monica. A portrait turned image 🙂
Oh those blue eyes … have to love them. Really nice portrait of a handsome husband. I always think of Frank Sinatra when someone mentions blue eyes … guess I have just dated myself. Nice post and always nice to read what you have to say. Have a great Labor Day weekend with your friends.
Andrea @ From The Sol
Thank you so much, Andrea. We really did have a great time with our friends and today back home to ourselves. Frank Sinatra, huh? Well, nowadays the blue eyes are hubbys, but my first thought used to be Steve McQueen or Paul Newman – also pretty dated – LOL
well hubby had better like this because it is fantastic!!! I can just see this as an album cover, or a big Art print. the eyes are amazing. brilliantly done my friend.
and yes, tis the season of change. You can tell I am trying to hold onto summer a little bit longer… just to fully enjoy these last moments: I know the Fall must fall. LOL But also, considering some changes to my blog – I don’t know if if only identifying myself as “mom” is enough now.. feels like it should expand. But thanks for the Coffee Chat shout out, because that definitely will continue! You know I’d love to have you join, but believe: I know all about finding time to do all the stuff we want to! 🙂
He saw it today on the web, but did not comment – usually not the best sign, but – it’s o.k.
I cannot wait to see your new site. Just checked before and TimeOut is still – out. I can completely understand that you want/need a re-branding. You are growing, as are your needs and also your kids and thus needing you less and giving you more time.
I love this picture of him so much, I am more than happy to return for Coffee Chat! 🙂
Hehehe – a real coffee chat might be nice – one day…
Missed you this week, Claudia! Great picture. I know the lyrics to that song very well (the Who are one of my all time fave bands) and the song fits the image perfectly. Question is, is he a bad man or a sad man? LOL
You missed me? Where? When? What did I miss?
Thanks, Debbi. Hmm, bad or sad? Hmm – I need to ponder, I don’t think either one fits completely.
I linked a poem from this week. I hope you like it. Your art is so amazing. I am really humbled by the creativity of you and some others.
Great to have you back, Annie. I’ll be reading your poem in a moment.
Thank you so much for your kind words, in reality, there are times when I don’t feel any creativity at all 🙁
Wonderful portrait, which look pretty!
Limbo Delirium
Thank you so much, Leovi. And welcome back.
Hi Claudia, can you please tell Rory I can´t read her blog. 🙁 I´m not invited. I saw she had avirus or something 🙁
Hi Monica, actually neither can I at the moment. But – the reason is that she is re-doing her site completely. A new name, new everything. She is working on it (we’re connected on Facebook) and should be back by tomorrow. Thanks for asking and caring!!
Your hubby should be proud of the masterpiece you create. Great work as always. Thanks for mentioning the other 2 linkups, I’ll have to check them out. See you soon!
I guess he has seen too many (master) pieces I did, but he is definitely supporting my creativity. I am sure you’ll love at the very least Leslie’s Coffee Chat as it is about writing 🙂
Have I told you how much I like your new design yet? Because it looks great, seriously!
Your image is amazing, as always! And I love that song! 🙂
No, you have not – thank you! Do you like the homepage, too?
It is a pretty cool song, no matter who performs it.
What an amazing shot! Looks like the cover of an Edgar Allen Poe collection!
I adore the seasonal change – because like a canvas, it’s a new image! Have a great visit with your friends!
Yeah, I know. I like change, I really do, however I do have a problem with … cold, you know?!
Thanks, we did have a great weekend with our friends. Hope you had a good one, too, Tiffany.
I love that Warhol quote – the piece you created is stunning!!
Andy Warhol was a pretty cool dude, huh? A true artist, I guess. Thank you very much, Tamar.
I am on board with the season schedule. Cool edit on your image.
“Old Blue Eyes”….mesmerizing. Thanks for sharing at Song-ography!