Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to my Saturday linky party – s~A(R)T~urday!
“ In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
This has been my first week without a Wordless Wednesday and thus with just one post, my s~A(R)T~urday, since this blog began in 2011. Mind you I had another website with a blog before that. Anyways, the point is it felt weird not to be participating in the crazy WW rat race.
But it also felt good.
I was actually very tempted to post something. But never even once did I think about adding a linky. So, maybe I will have a post this week. Or maybe I won’t. What I will do, I hope, is create more and connect more with people and things that matter more.
Since we finally got our car back last weekend we are going to go bicycling later today. Seems weird to mention the car, right? Well, we could go bicycling right out of our front door, however it would be paved asphalt and traffic. Which we don’t tend to like. So, we rather drive 40 minutes to get to the awesome Kittatinny Valley State Park, where you are off-road and with no traffic, except for other bicyclists, runners and the occasional horse back rider. The weather looks great for the time being, so
let’s make the best of the remaining summer 2015.
What are your plans for the the weekend and the week ahead? Anything good or exciting on your agenda?
Speaking of ‘exciting’, last week I indulged myself to luxury. I felt the need to take a break not only from WW, but, on Wednesday funnily enough, I took a day off work. Just for me. Luxury, right?! In the morning I went to PT, came home and went to work (Photoshop) right away. Had a shower followed by a brief lunch break together with David and then – straight back to Photoshop until it was night and dinner (making) time. I added all the hours that went into the image below – exactly 10 hours of straight Photoshop work.
What a wonderful day it had been.
Last week’s final entry to s~A(R)T~urday came from Ramona from Create-With-Joy. Another one of her gorgeous cards. How could you not feel the love that goes into them, if you are lucky enough to get one of them? Please check out her entry here.
And this is my image. The one I created last Wednesday. Now it is your turn, what have you been up to?
~ of birds and flowers ~
(click to enlarge)
Model photo by https://www.deviantart.com/faestock/art/Pines-pack-105457409
*** Here is where I link up today. ***
Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding, make even more art.”
Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on ,
if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.
This is wonderful Claudia! That image is incredible. Love the light/dark theme here and there is a lot going on with the imagery!
I hear you on the time spent. So very easy to lose ourselves in what we do. I do this a lot. Glad you had a “you” day. Those are fun. Almost like cheating! LOL
Thank you, Debbi. I really loved creating this image. I think it was a day spent well. I definitely like the cheating ‘me’ days.
That flowing red hair is a standout…love your results. I’m off to share the day with grand kids…the 21 month old in particular-to take a ride on a Thomas the Tank Engine Train in Union,IL. Should be fun♪
Haha – I was actually wondering if it was almost a little bit too much of a flaming red 🙂 Glad you like it, Laurie.
I hope your day with the grand kids turned out great, your plans certainly sound wonderful.
This one is spectacular! Every minute of your day off was well spent, judging by the results. 🙂
This is my last weekend before school, sadly. 🙁 Next week is all staff, then the following, class begins! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t torn between excitement for the new year, and dread for those early mornings. I do have two last summer fun activities planned… a vintage camper soiree today, and a reptile convention next Saturday! After that… well, Labour Day it’s right around the corner. 🙂
Thank you so much, Kelly. I definitely enjoyed spending yet another day in front of the computer, however for my very own endeavours 🙂
Since Monday is now over, I am hoping that you transitioned as well as can be into the next teaching season. Well, I guess with the staff meetings you’ll be easing into regular school work again.
How was the vintage camper soiree – not sure what all is entailed, but it sure sounds interesting and I hope I’ll be seeing pictures on your blog. And I’m certain I’ll be seeing some reptiles there soon 🙂
hallo claudia,
bei meinem vorgänger war mir das kommentieren leider zu kompliziert, der computer wollte dafür mein googlemail- Passwort. das habe ich jetzt nicht extra rausgesucht.
aber ich bin guter absicht, so ein grüppchen auch mit gutem input zu pflegen.
schön, dass du dir zeit für dich selbst genommen hast und dein werk strahlt zufriedenheit aus!
Herzlich Pippa
Ach ja, das ewige Dilemma mit dem Einloggen und den Passwoertern. Kenn ich nur zu gut. Besonders wenn man mehrere davon hat, wie ich. Aber wo immer ich auch hinclickte – Du warst schon da gewesen. Klasse! Vielen Dank fuer Deine Unterstuetzung 🙂
Oh ja, ich liebe es mir Zeit fuer mich selbst zu nehmen. Hmm, Zufriedenheit in meinem Bild – ja, jetzt sehe ich das auch.
Thank you Claudia for the shout-out for last week’s Swirls and Twirls Card!
This week, I was sick so I did not have a chance to make a card. Spent the week resting up so that hopefully I will have the strength to celebrate my birthday this week! 🙂
But – I wanted to stop by and say hello – so today I am sharing a photo of Magellan that I shared on Instagram today. I just love how expressive his eyes are in this photo! I think it’s one of my favorites of him!
So glad it’s been a good week for you. Has your foot finally recovered?
Enjoy your week and enjoy every flower along your journey! 🙂
Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that you were sick. I hope you do have recovered by now. Especially since it is your birthday. It would totally suck if you still felt bad.
Aww, you know that any of your kitties are always welcome on my site. I love seeing them. And Magellan’s eyes are no exception. They’re gorgeous.
My foot – well, it is getting better and better, but I guess, it is a slow full recovery. Still not back to wearing normal summer shoes, sandals etc., but sneakers, running shoes only, but I am slowly trying to change that. Thanks for asking. I am definitely intent on enjoying the flowers and whatever else comes along my way along my journey 🙂 Hope you do too!
so beautiful – I just love your visions.
and that shock of red hair is just perfect. I don’t know why, but it just really seems to make the picture. something unexpected and vibrant mixed in with the fragile blooms and the dark corners. so cool!!
Thanks, Les. I guess if I were not being me, I would have subdued the red in the hair, alas – I am me. Hence boldness! Hahaha – I am glad you like it 🙂 Do you actually see the crows in the corners? I am asking because depending on the calibration of the screen, you may not…
nice composition today 🙂
Thank you very much, Monica. Pretty classic, with the leading lines, right? Whatever works…
I love what you created here. So happy to have found your beautiful blog and linkup too.
Hi Pat, welcome to my linkup and our little community. I am glad that you found us and hope to see your beautiful work back again next Saturday. Thanks for joining us.
This was a lovely piece. I really like the etherial feel it has.
Thanks, Ida, I hadn’t even thought about ‘etherial’, but I guess it does have a little bit of that.
I actually got on a bike this week, for the first time in ages, and it felt amazing. Now I can’t wait for my next feel.
We have three more weeks until school and I’m still tackling bucket list items from my summer bucket list. Fighting until the end.
I know. I saw it on FB. So good for you! Even if it was a really small bike – it doesn’t matter. You.did.it. Next we’ll be bicycling Kittatinny together – hahaha – who knows?! But I am glad it felt so good for you. I sometimes dread a little spending so much time driving up there and then biking for a couple of hours then driving back, but you know what? Once I am there, I am so immensely enjoying it being out in nature, in the warm summer sun – it is gorgeous! Of course, stopping by the local ice cream parlor for a treat afterwards is always a plus, too 😀
I hope you are going to enjoy your three weeks with your kids until school starts again. So far the weather at least is supposed to stay great for this week. YAY!!
p.s. and still, I am already dreading winter, drove home from a late PT session tonight and had to turn on the headlights – what the … at 7:45 pm?!
Such a beautiful image Claudia 🙂
Thanks, Jenn. How is Boston?
Oh my.
That’s an amazing edit.
Please come link up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/08/double-play-on-way.html
Thank you very much. I guess I missed the link up, I was too busy last week.
Amazing! Simply amazing. #mysundayphoto
Thank you so much, Merlinda.
Love your work, this is a gorgeous image!
Thank you very much, Nikki, appreciate your kind words.
Such a beautiful image! 10 hours, eh? I’m not sure I currently have the patience for that!
I’m so glad that you took a day for you! Self-care is vitally important & I think we ultimately gain more than we lose when we are taking care of our needs.
As for weekend plans – I’m hoping it’s quiet & I get some work done. The DirecTV guy comes Saturday morning as does the electrician (hopefully that means the kitchen will finally be rewired & we can install the dishwasher). I may run over to New Orleans for an afternoon. It’s been awhile.
As always, thank you for joining us at Photo Friday!
You know, Jen, it doesn’t really take patience. The truth is, once I start and really (!) get into it – I simply forget time. Seriously, I look a the watch and when I check again, hours have past, it is almost scary.
I hope you did get the wiring done and got your dishwasher. In that department I am all for convenience 🙂
New Orleans – wow – that is definitely on my bucket list. One of these days…
Hallo Claudia, ich habe mir die bunte Mischung gerade nochmal angeschaut. Ich bin mal sehr gespannt, was daraus wird. Ob man sich besser kennenlernt. Es erscheint mir inhomogener, als alles. was ich bisher so gesehen habe. Aber das ist ja gerade eine Herausforderung, dass man trotzdem vielleicht zusammenwächst.
Bis auf zwei wirklich treue Internetfreundinnen, na sagen wir drei, habe ich meine Bloggerheimat leider noch nicht gefunden. Aber ich gebe zu, ich passe insofern zu Deinem Projekt, als dass ich selbst ein kompliziert erscheinender Mensch bin.
Herzlich und bis später, Pippa – in echt Petra
Hi Pippa (oder ist Dir Petra lieber? Meine beste Freundin in Kindergarten und Schule hiess Petra :))
Tja, da hast Du schon recht, es ist eine bunte Mischung, und ja, es ist eine Herausforderung, aber auch toll. Man muss sich immer nur klar sein, daß nicht jeder immer Zeit findet oder sich nimmt zu kommentieren, denn das ganz normale offline Leben hat natürlich Vorrang. Manchmal ist das nicht so ganz einfach. Besonders wenn man etwas postet, auf das man besonders stolz ist, man dann aber kaum feedback bekommt. Als Künstler ist das schwierig. Aber ich liebe es, so grundverschiedene Menschen und Dinge kennenzulernen. Und beim Kennenlernen lasse ich mir auch gerne Zeit, muss ich auch, weil ich nicht immer so viel davon habe. Ich checke Blogs immer wieder und schaue, ob ich eine dauerhafte Verbindung sehe oder nicht. Das mache ich nicht von nur einem Blogbeitrag abhängig. Und klar, dazu gehört auch, daß mein Gegenüber mich hier besucht. Ich denke, wir beide sind da bisher auf recht gutem Wege. Ehrlich haben mich Deine vielen Blogs etwas verwirrt, besonders anfangs. Und, was mir noch immer fehlt – hab gerade nochmal gecheckt und gesucht, bin aber nicht fündig geworden, weder auf Deiner Seite noch auf G+ – das bist ‘Du’. Ich habe keine (bildliche oder beschriebene) Vorstellung von Dir. Das fehlt mir zugegebenerweise ein wenig. Aber ich respektiere, daß jeder seine eigenen Grenzen hat, was er/sie im Internet veröffentlich oder nicht.
Also, bis hoffentlich später!