Bonaire Art for s~A(R)T~urday

Welcome to the weekend. And apologies that I am so late, but I had a few difficulties of various kinds this week while being on vacation. Nonetheless welcome to Saturday art linky!


“To create one’s own world takes courage.” Georgia O’Keeffe

Here is what I have created today, a little Bonaire art. All photos were taken this past week on Bonaire with my iPhone and edited on my iPad with a couple of textures from other artists – for s~A(R)T~urday w/linky.

Now it is your turn. Share with us what you have created lately or some time ago.


(click the image to see more details)

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

If you feel like spreading the word about my Saturday Art Linkup, please grab my badge below:


Since this is a new link up I think I will leave my little explanation up in this post . There are actually three reasons behind my offering this opportunity to showcase your art a little.

  1. I love art, see and experience, fantasize and dream, live and create it
  2. For a long time I wanted to create my own link up. One that represents – me, in a creative sense, of course, = art
  3. A while back there used to be a photo art link up I participated in a few times, but Bonnie (Photo Art Friday) is taking an extended break

There are link ups out there on the web it is mind-boggling. You can get seriously lost in any number of them. While they can be a big time sucker they are also always a lot of fun. Behind each link up there usually is – at some point – a dedicated community. One that over time I am hoping to build with my link up, too. Please don’t be intimidated that I am calling this an art linky. Simply share some of your creations. Art is completely subjective. It takes courage and time to realize that you may actually call your own creations art. And if you believe they are pieces of art, I believe they are. They may be good or bad or great – who am I to say?! I’d rather like to think along these words from Andy Warhol:

Don’t think about making art, just get it done.  Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.  While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Having said that I want this link up to be open to all arts. Yes, my personal medium is photography and photo art, which is what you will be getting from me. But I do not want to put a limit on my art link up and thus it is open to all forms of (somewhat) visual art. I am saying somewhat, as it has to be able to be displayed in a digital way here on the website. That does include


– yes, straight out of the camera is fine, too – as long as you think it is art –

photo art

– edited, enhanced, destroyed, composited – whatever – as long as you think it is art –


– I don’t have the words to describe this one, but… – as long as you think it is art –

painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, ceramics, design, crafts, video, graphic design… everything!

– as long as you think it is art – it is art – show it!

[inlinkz_linkup id=503954 mode=1]
Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


8 thoughts on “Bonaire Art for s~A(R)T~urday”

  1. amazing!!! love this.
    ugh – I want some free time to explore Photoshop!! I can’t seem to do anything I want to do. but my hubby said the other day when he saw me working away that I only have Elements 9 — and that is waaaaay behind. so perhaps that is the problem. I’ll either have to upgrade, or find a different program.
    between the plumber fixing my laundry room/bathroom disaster, in the middle of an upstairs bathroom reno, a birthday party, and my mother in law here for the weekend: I am literally stealing 5 minutes from making dinner to come visit! next time I steal away to Bonaire in your camera bag! LOL

    • I know exactly, well almost exactly, how you feel about stealing time whenever you can to create or just have to yourself. I guess there always be times when it is easier an others when that is harder.
      Honestly, I tend to disagree about Elements. I mean, I do not know exactly the hurdle is that you are fighting with at the moment, however most functions within PS have not changed that much. The basic or rather most important ones have been there for years through the different versions. Mostly the front end changed. What is it you want to do? Maybe I can help, although PSE and PS do differ? Google hangout maybe :)?

    • Thank you so much, Susi. This is really so different from everything I have ever presented publicly, it is a bit scary (she is writing now, while here latest image is even scarier…). These are all drawings and photos we took on Bonaire this year, incl. the fish, excl. the textures.


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