Christmas Decorations in Whippany

Alittle while back I told you that you probably had not seen the last of Christmas on ImagesByCW for this season yet. Well, you should have believed me. Taking down our Christmas tree and the Christmas decorations, plus all this snow and ice over the past few days, invited me to take quite a few walks around Whippany. So, I came across some last remnants of Christmas decorations in our community and despite the fact that I was out and about to take pictures of the snow, I, of course, could not resist. There were these silver and golden ornaments complete with snow cones at our neighbor’s house. And the entrance to the next road had these classic red, green and gold Christmas decorations on their street marker.

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And since the forecast said there would be freezing rain, I thought I would experiment a little. From years back I have a wooden, golden star, which I usually hang up for Christmas. But you might also find it around our house at other times, because – I like it. Anyways with the freezing rain, I imagined it could make nice and reflective patterns on the star. Little did I think about how difficult it would be to get an in-focus shot with 1) all the reflections 2) at night and 3) with numb-frozen fingers holding the camera. Oh well these did not turn out too bad. And maybe it will still be freezing on Monday. Then my star will be waiting for me at home.

Oh, and last, but not least – well, you will have to scroll down for that one…

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This is one of a few miniature snowmen our neighbors have out for their Christmas decorations. They are cute as they are. But now – half or mostly covered in snow? So adorable! And doesn’t he seem to be saying: Bye, bye – till next Christmas?!

So, now you can rest assured that this has been my last Christmas post for this past holiday season. I cannot say ‘year’, since we are already in 2014 and this year’s Christmas decorations are only about 10 months away – hohoho!

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6 thoughts on “Christmas Decorations in Whippany”

  1. These are great. Love the star and I probably would have it out year round too. 🙂 The snowman is cute, all covered up as he is. Love how the ornaments have little caps of snow. 🙂

  2. Love the one hanging off the frosty branch. beautiful.
    And so is your star. I am just putting Christmas decorations away today and I did actually grab my camera to get a few shots of my favourite ornaments and the still on pine needles of our tree. And then I thought….well dummy….when exactly were you going to post those holiday delights….now that holidays are over?! LOL But I am glad you did anyway. because that little snow covered Frosty is too cute! he looks almost exactly like the one I have.

    • Can’t wait to see your shots, really I am very curious. Just post them anyhow, maybe not focus on Christmas, but trying out your new camera… And it will be great to see how you develop and progress your skills with your new toy. Frosty is a cutie pie, right?! LOL


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