Yesterday finally the day came around that I went on my very first photo walk with fellow photographers. For two years I had wanted to join Scott Kelby’s worldwide photowalk, but somehow it always takes place around our October vacation – not good. But last week a Photo Expo was held in New York City. Said photographer and a lot of other VIPs attended. Being tied up at work, I did not go. But one or rather two of the VIPs organized a little photo walk around town on Saturday. It was a public event with everybody invited via Google Plus. In the morning when I checked only 15 people had registered. In the afternoon it was up to 32. And when it actually got time to get going, there were so many that we had to split up in two groups. Easily a hundred people were there when we were briefed about where we would be going.
We started out at the red steps at Duffy Square, just north of Times Square with our 1st stop being the Rockefeller Building. I was a little surprised to see that the ice rink is already there. From there past St. Patrick’s Cathedral, completely covered in scaffolding, towards Grand Central Station. Here I experienced for the first time what I had read before: You are not allowed to take photos in the Station with a tripod, unless you get a permit for it. We exited the station on Lexington Avenue. There you are standing almost, o.k. a small block away, underneath my favorite NYC icon: The Chrysler Building. Naturally I took a zillion photos of it. It was getting close to sunset and the light was just beautiful and warm. But in reality the strong winds made it freezingly cold. This is also where the walking tour ended, right outside the Station on Lexington. Well, actually, some of the attendees finished the evening at 230th fifth Rooftop bar. I kind of wanted to go, but 1) I didn’t feel 100 % (which continued today – migraine…) and 2) what fun is it to have a drink in a bar, if you don’t know anybody? So, it wasn’t for me, although the view from that bar is magnificent: Just imagine the Empire State Building at sunset from up there… I am sure David and I will go and check it out at another time.
For now, here is my first processed image from the tour – of course, the Chrysler Building.
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Wow! What a capture. gosh, I wish you and your camera had been with me all those years ago when I visited NYC. I didnt’ get quite as good a shot as this. but I remember very clearly how visually stunning that building is when you are up close and the light hits it just so. Amazing.
Yes, I wish I would have been there, roaming through the City with you and stalking you – hahaha – the Chrysler Building looks amazing, doesn’t it? This was actually the first time I got really, really close to it. One day I will walk in and have a look around the lobby. But you are right, the light on it from the setting sun was just beautiful.
Hi Claudia,
I hope you don’t mind me posting in my mother language here:
Das ist in der Tat eine großartige Aufnahme, die Dir da geglückt ist! 🙂 Dieses warme Abendlicht hebt das imposante Gebäude aus den spürbar engen Straßenschluchten gebührend hervor. Dem geneigten Betrachter entgeht auch nicht das Detail mit dem Schriftzug NYC Photowalk. Starke Bearbeitung!
Must have been a good experience! 🙂
GlG, Michael
Hallo Michael, es ist schoen von Dir zu hoeren, egal in welcher Sprache! Und dass Dir meine Foto inkl. Bearbeitung gut gefaellt, hoer ich natuerlich um so lieber 🙂 NYC ist immer wieder einen Besuch wert. Vielleicht kommst Du ja auch mal her, dann erkunden wir es gemeinsam. Wuerde mich freuen!
p.s. gestern waren wir in einem chinesischen Jazz Restaurant – Essen = chinesisch Live Musik = Jazz. Anscheinend weltberuehmte Kuenstler (ich kenn mich da ja nicht so aus) hier in unserem kleinen Madison, NJ. Das wurd Dir bestimmt auch gefallen.
Hallo Claudia,
Danke für Deine nette Antwort, die Freude ist ganz auf meiner Seite! Ich bin total begeistert von Deiner tollen Website! 🙂
Ein gemeinsamer Fotostreifzug wäre natürlich der absolute Hammer. Die Idee finde ich großartig, zumal ich tatsächlich noch nie in NY war (vom Airport mal abgesehen). Ich komme sehr gern mal für ein paar Tage, wenn es bei Euch passt. (Ihr hattet ja wohl gerade erst Besuch).
Und ein Besuch in einem der Jazzclubs wäre für mich in der Tat ein absolutes Highlight… 🙂
Gern können wir ja vielleicht mal per @mail nach einem geeigneten Zeitpunkt schauen., wenn Du magst.
GLG, Michael