

Formations in

the sky,

the internet.

Ever changing,





Light as a feather,

yet heavy on impact.


 You may have guessed it by now, I am starting a new photo series with this very post. Most likely I will not be updating it on a regular basis, since clouds are quite unpredictable, meaning I am never sure when I will be able to see and capture a good one. However, I have come to realize that I really love to watch clouds. Remember when as kids we used to play ‘guess what shape that cloud is’? At times I actually find myself still doing that. So naturally I also started clicking the shutter of my camera when I saw a particular interesting one. Clouds are great photo objects, especially when you use a little darkroom magic to enhance their look and feel. So, from now on I will be sharing with you cloud photos in irregular intervals.

Right here is one that I took this weekend. Friends were visiting and we took a harbor cruise around New York City. It was very hot and quite sticky and soon we saw clouds rolling in from the west. However, we got lucky since it did not rain the whole time we were there. But the look of the thunder storm clouds was quite dramatic, especially with the many airplanes always hovering over New York City. Quite a sight as this picture shows.

clouds, thunder storm, plane

6 thoughts on “Clouds”

    • Oh my, Debbi, you just threw me in a 60s music and video frenzie on youtube. I did not know Judy Collins, looked it up and along came all those other 60s icons, there are a lot of 60s music that I love. And so I played video after video – gotta stop now and do some cleaning – LOL.
      p.s. I will try and ‘categorize’ the clouds in the future – this one though was only dramatic!

  1. I love clouds too! We get some amazing storm clouds at this time of year here in Tampa Bay. Brilliant blue sky with enormous thunderheads. Makes for great sunsets too. Hope you get some great photos of clouds for your blog series!

    • Oooh, I am almost jealous, Penny! You do get the hurricanes in Florida, right?! That must be some sight, not to speak of the possible horror. I really hope I do get to capture more great clouds, now that I started the series, I may have jinxed that 😉


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