Evolution of a colorful illustration + San Francisco photos


Welcome to sARTurday – the Saturday art linkup

Good morning, All. I am not sure if I had mentioned previously, but lately I am a little lost for words. It’s like I want to blog and tell you what is going on, yet somehow I am so much in visual mode that really all that I can come up with are pictures, drawings and photos.

I am toying with the idea to going back to doing a ‘Wordless Wednesday’ kind of post, maybe on a Saturday? And let art take up the whole space on this day? Well, clearly I cannot right now. It is probably too early and I barely managed getting the gif of my colorful illustration’s evolution together. And the color temperature in the last picture is still off – sigh.

But what I had wanted to do for a while is show you some pictures I took during our Holiday trip to San Francisco. Now, don’t expect any artful stuff, I didn’t have much time so I did not play with the photos (much).

While in San Francisco we stayed with my SIL and did a few day trips to Rio Vista a known windsurfing location in the summer months, to Half Moon Bay south of the city and, of course, to the wine country. This time to Napa and we made it to Domaine Chandon, who make excellent bubblys. The tasting itself was a bit too commercial in my opinion, however the grounds the vineyard is built on is beautiful and the wine yummy. All photos with glasses or bottles were taken here.

And that’s it – high time to publish this post today and have you link up your creations.

Have a wonderful weekend!Cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Evolution of a Colorful Illustration

Watercolor and ink in my sketchbook – GIF made in PS

(Remember – you may always click on a single photo in the gallery to view it enlarged.)

Photos from around San Francisco

All taken with my iPhone – edited either in iPhone, LR or PS

(Click on a single photo in the gallery to view it enlarged.)

Don’t be shy! Please share with us one of your creations.

It may be hosted on your blog, Flickr, Facebook, you name it!

15 thoughts on “Evolution of a colorful illustration + San Francisco photos”

  1. Wow. I love these photos of your San Francisco trip. Obviously, a good time was had by all! Whatever you do, WW or sARTurday, count me in! I am linked today. I feel honoured that you allow me to join you. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity and beautiful artwork. Hugs to you & David.

  2. You don’t have to get artsy with your pictures … your artistic eye and compositions are spectacular … worthy of publication. Looks like a wonderful trip and how could it not be in San Francisco. Love the GIF … I used to do gif with my dog action pictures, but the free server I was using disappeared. I would be most appreciative if you could tell me what you use for your gifs. I love coming over here … I seem to just feel my creative juices being poked when I look at your lovely art. Awesome as always, Claudia …

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    • Hi Andrea, thank you very much, glad to hear that you find my work inspiring! As for the gif, I am not using a dedicated gif software, but Photoshop. It just is my go-to 🙂

  3. Love the various patterns. It’s great experimenting with colors and patterns, enjoying the final process. 🙂

  4. I love seeing all these shots from your trip. That landscape is just gorgeous!! I used to work the odd shifts at a winery when I was in university and it was a really great experience. They always had these mini bottles of wine they would give us at the end of the night and say have a glass with a friend. Great promotion when you think about it. I love all your art, and I love watching you do more and more with your words too — but believe me, I totally understand that committing to both full time just doesn’t always work. For me, it’s the photography that takes the back seat to writing. But I can still get inspired by others work, which is great too. One day we will figure out how to merge all our passions successfully. 🙂


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