Colors of 2013

First day of December: Happy 1st Advent! and the end of November is here. Time to check out all pictures of the FB group: Colors of 2013, which I have been participating in. Each month a color is chosen and we get to shoot photos with this color theme. Unfortunately for me the past couple of months life took over, so my only participation during this time consisted of purely admiring all the wonderful pictures from everybody else popping up in my facebook stream. Especially sad, because 50 % of November was actually one of my favorite colors: Turquoise. & Gold, but it was not for me to be. But at least, I got the honor of showing you all the fabulous contributions to Colors of 2013 put together this month here on my blog.

No wonder that I chose Robin’s maritime inspired photo as the featured photo of my post, is it? I cannot wait till February to see the turquoise of the Caribbean. Until then I am going to enjoy these beauties and I hope you will, too. There is a link with every collage or photo, so if you want to see more of this photographer’s work… you are just one click away.

Robin McQuay Anderson Photography

Facebook – Website


Bonnie Smith Photography


Michele Larcheveque Catino of Catino Creations

Catino Creations Website


Kelly Newbury Photography

Etsy shop Kelly N Photography


Nelleke Glasbergen Photography

Nelleke on Facebook


Aina Saele Apelthun Photography


Diana Taylor Photography


Sylvia Cook Photography

 website   Blog – Vintage Chic on Etsy – Facebook


Over The Rainbow Photography & Prints by Katerina Vodrazkova

Etsy – Facebook


Karrie Drake Photography

Facebook – website – blog – Etsy shop


Isabelle LaFrance Photography

Facebook – Blog & website – Etsy


 Judith Kimber Photo

 Etsy shop


Andrea McClain of McClain Creations

Etsy – blog – Website – Facebook


Sharon Collins Photography

Blog – site – 500px shop


Barbara Greguric Silic Photography


Eva Ricci Studio

Facebook – Website


Mary Carroll Photography

website – blog – Etsy – Facebook


Sue Zellers of SueZe Photography

 Facebook – 500px shop


And honorary mentions for Karrie, because she finished both the November and the October in Orange (find all photos here)collage and for myself. Even though I cheated a little and did my October collage with only three photos just now.

Karrie Drake Photography

Facebook – website – blog – Etsy



ImagesByCW – Photography by Claudia Willison

October Colors of 2013


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19 thoughts on “Colors of 2013”

    • I don’t think I was aware that you love turquoise, too, Debbi. But then, it doesn’t surprise me… It is almost, but only almost a turquoise overkill, right? But I really love how it turned out!

  1. What a beautiful month of color… I didn’t get one picture posted! I bought a turquoise ball jar but never found the time…. a busy month for me!
    These are all such beautiful collages… well done ladies.

  2. I Love them all!! So many talented and creative people out there. The first one is definitely one I would buy — if I had any money. LOL
    Love the blues and yellows in the one collage too.
    Wow. makes me want a better camera…and some lessons. ha

    • I’m glad you like them, Leslie, and I wished you had a bit more money to buy one of them. Or to get your new camera(phone) 😉 A camera is not all, as you know, it is a tool, but if possible, I prefer working with a good tool as opposed to an o.k. tool, right?!


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