1. Advent

Another Fine Art Friday, today with a fine art Christmas card. And I am looking forward to the weekend. As you are aware David and I attended the Rockefeller Treelighting this year. We had a fabulous time! Standing right on the rink and…. sorry, I will tell you more in a later post when I have sieved through all the images I took, and can show you.

Today we are celebrating the fine art day of the week. Since this coming Sunday is going to be the 1. Advent, marking the 4th Sunday before Christmas, I thought a fine art Christmas card photograph would be nice. I took this particular photo right here in front of our house three days ago, on Tuesday. It was snowing all day and the streets, houses and trees were soon covered in a white mantle. Isn’t that what most people are dreaming of for Christmas? And so the idea for my fine art Friday picture was born. To make it a fine art Christmas card I took the photo with the snow covered trees, snowflakes still falling, added text and a paper textured border. Et voila!

Enjoy my Fine Art Christmas Card!

christmas, white, snow, trees, greeting card, xmas

p.s. I was hoping for a snow covered New York City, but… none of it. Funny thing though even today we still have snow on northerly roofs and by the side of the road here in Oakridge.

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