Download your Flowers & Bees illustration coloring page


Welcome to sARTurday – the Saturday art linkup – and Sunday Sketches

Hello you guys, how are you? I have to apologize (yet again) for publishing this sARTurday post so late, but it was a heck of a week.

Which culminated in a cancelled trip to Toronto on Thursday, we re-booked it for Friday, got up at 5:20 am to get to the airport, got to Toronto, had several some what stressful meetings (and a  nice lunch), back to the airport to catch return flight,  re-booking not found by airline, stuck at Toronto airport, back and forth between code-share airlines, getting on standby for 6:50 and firm for 9 pm, standby flight got cancelled due to weather, more waiting, thunderstorm outside, finally boarding and lift off at 9:40 pm and landing in Newark at 10:55 pm. I was home at 11:40 and in bed at 00:30.

It was a loooong day, I am pretty much exhausted.

And I did not have a chance to prepare and schedule this post. But now sARTurday is finally up ad I hope you will join me.

My piece today was inked in my sketchbook last weekend mostly. I scanned it this morning and then cleaned it up a bit to upload it here. For those of you who like to color I have also converted it to a pdf, so you may download and print . Enjoy!

Oh, and please let me know if there is any issue with the download, o.k.?Cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Flowers & Bees

inked in my sketchbook – cleaned up in PS

For you to download, print, color and enjoy!

10 thoughts on “Download your Flowers & Bees illustration coloring page”

  1. I love coming here! Well, now I need to get some good colouring pencils are do this. I believe that I can handle this! I was always good at colouring! Have a great weekend, my friend. Hugs.

  2. The download worked great – my girls will love colouring this!! We had that thunderstorm to drive through on our way back from Disney on Ice last night. I cannot ever remember having thunder and lightning in February!! Let alone rain for 2 days. It’s definitely warmer out, but the rain gives a different chill than snow I find. Hope you get some rest after such a busy trip!

  3. Hi Claudia! I am a late entry too for PPF. I think I am right above you on the list, lol. Days can get crazy and so can weeks too! Your coloring page is so cute. Glad you got home in one piece, that is always important. Have a GREAT upcoming week! Hugz, Rasz

  4. really nice different designs for the flowers 🙂 (i’m not a fan of Toronto, even less the airport, but at least you can usually find somewhere to sit and people watch to try to pass time there)


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