Grunge edit in Photoshop of a full super moon

nablopomo_badge_2016   aedmlogored 

3rd week of November’s Art Every Day and also in NaBloPoMo

November 16th

Today is day #16 of AEDM and NaBloPoMo – their writing prompt is: What TV series finale are you still upset about and why?

Really?! I am upset about two things. 1) if a series goes on and on and on and… kind of like the third or fourth part to a successful film – it gets boring. Although I got to say as far as films are concerned, we just watched the latest Star Trek Beyond and I loved it as much as the two films before. I actually regret that we missed it on the big screen in 3D.

Back to the prompt, so 2) any series I watched and loved and couldn’t wait till the next episode and then – it got axed – wham! Of course, now that I have to think of one, I am having a hard time. But Firefly is definitely one. Oh my, how I wished they would bring back the awesome mix of reality, sci-fi and western. So cool! We watched it a few times and, of course, own it. Have you watched it? What did you think?I am already late for work, but I wanted to edit this full moon photo for a somewhat Wordless Wednesday. Did you enjoy the super moon this week?




If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

My grungy take of the full super moon

Taken with my iPhone and edited in Photoshop

8 thoughts on “Grunge edit in Photoshop of a full super moon”

  1. We miss Firefly and often rewatch it on Netflix. Great show. There was another one we enjoyed called Terriers, it was only on for one season I think, a shame. But the one show I miss to this day is E.R. – I watched that show religiously every Thursday night.
    Love the moon photo edit with the texture and everything!

  2. I was a huge Firefly fan, and couldn’t understand why they cancelled it. I also own the movie Serenity.

    Of course, I’m a huge fan of Nathan Fillion, whose latest tv series Castle ended so abruptly it felt like I’d been slapped.

    I really like your moon shot. The various layers added to the depth of the photo.

  3. You had to say Firefly. And now I must go sulk in the corner and softly whisper “Washburne” into the darkness. 🙁
    As you can tell, I am still NOT over the cancellation of that show. Never. Ugh.
    Thankfully your lovely moon shot distracted me.
    Wait, that sounded very wrong. ◉_◉

  4. Hi Claudia, I’ve never heard of Firefly before, will have to check it out. At the moment I’m loving The Good Wife and still missing Weeds. Love your photo as it doesn’t look at all like a photo. It looks more like one of those poster I used to browse in Athena.

    Thank you for linking up to the #MMBC.



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