Happy Moments

songography It is Sunday and that means it is time for Kathy’s You’ll-shoot-your-eyes-out Song-ography. Today’s song is: ‘Pharrell Williams’ “Happy”! Never heard of it? Don’t worry, neither had I. But thanks to Google/YouTube, I now know that it is a real happy song. So, what comes to mind with that? Happy moments. Here are a few highlights of happy times, happy places and happy activities that stood out over the past six or seven years:

Something we love(d) to do a lot: Dancing. This is horrible lighting, well, it was taken at a ball and it was about 3 am, but it was definitely a happy moment. And we continued dancing, even during our wedding photo shoot, in the park of the church – much fun!


Perfect transition to another happy moment – our wedding in Switzerland. We pretty much indulged ourselves in a dream wedding (photos taken by Cindy Zeller of SwitzerlandWeddingCompany) with boat tours on the lakes, horse drawn carriage and a castle, all in the company of friends and family.


Sabbatical = three months off work spent on Bonaire. How can that not make me happy?! Just look at how fit and tanned I was just a few years back – sigh – working on that again. But still, windsurfing and windsurfing on Bonaire is one of the happiest times – ever.


And this here stands for my love for abstract and surreal art and for editing photos in Lightroom and Photoshop. Not always happy moments from the beginning, but happy when the picture turns out the way I wanted it to.


Well, and this one – it has been a couple of years, but my photos were published in Windsport Magazine – still definitely a cause for happiness.


Apologies for not showing you new photos today, but our weekend was pretty much spent with compiling and filing our 2013 taxes… that should say enough. So, see you again next Sunday for another round of Song-ography. Hope to see you again soon.

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12 thoughts on “Happy Moments”

  1. the dancing photos make me so happy! And we love that song in this house (it’s from Despicable Me 2), it’s #2 behind Let if Go from Frozen.
    That windsurfing one is amazing!! No wonder they published them. Well done!!

    • Dancing is a lot of fun! To hear that from me… I was never a big dancer, but classic ballroom dancing is so much fun. And can actually be a good work out, too 🙂
      The one with the full moon, huh?!

  2. Oh my goodness…it looks like you had a fairytale wedding in absolutely gorgeous surroundings. And I love the sense of motion that was captured in the windsurfing photo. I can almost feel the breeze going thru my hair. Well, that is before I would have fallen off and had a completely WET head :). Thanks for joining in at Song-ography. And….good luck with those taxes, UGH!

    • Fairytale – pretty much 🙂 Yep, there is quite a bit of motion going on in windsurfing, but you know what? My hair, most likely, was already wet from falling in before – LOL On Bonaire it is actually fun falling in – such nice water.

  3. Compiling Taxes…Not so happy of a thing to do.
    But I loved your Wedding shots, You indeed looked vey happy & joyous.
    Wind Surfing sounds like fun but I doubt at my age I could handle that.

    • Yeah, our wedding was special… but that’s what every couple says, right?! 🙂 Windsurfing is a lot of fun, as long as you love being in water. And it is not a matter of age, Ida. We have seen windsurfers, really good windsurfers that were at least 75!

  4. Your wedding and the week on Bonaire staying with you were certainly “Happy Moments” for me as well. I’m so glad that I could share them with you and have great memories. Maybe one day I can even say that for dancing and being at a ball; right now that’s not the case yet …

    • Hahaha – Peti, you ‘just’ need to find the right partner for a ball. Could you have pictured David at ball when you got to know him?! Probably not – things can and do happen. We are certainly glad that you were there with and for us!

  5. Ja, die Hochzeit & Ballsaison habe ich auch in guter Erinnerung … mögen noch viele weitere (und hoffentlich auch gemeinsame mit uns) folgen! Alles Liebe aus der frühlingshaften Pfalz…


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