6 thoughts on “In the dark (day 104)”

  1. I just really love this one. I don’t know what it is, but something speaks to me!
    like it’s calling the earth girl inside me to come out and play with woodland sprites and dance in fairy rings…..or something.
    all the mystery and magic of nature is just waiting to be discovered, and treasured.

    • Funny how things go, Leslie… when I processed this picture, fiddled here and there, added this and that I thought to myself ‘you know, this is a picture that might inspire Leslie to write some of her poetry or fiction’ 🙂 And now you kind of confirmed that feeling – nice!

      p.s. sometimes it really is the vision and thus processing, because while I was drawn to the scene to take a picture, I did not think it turned out that well SOOC, but then… this happened


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