Can iPad Drawing really be your main focus in a week

“Every day may not be good… but there’s one good thing in every day!” ~ Alice Morse Earle

onegoodthing week #4

So, last week has been kind of boring as in not much to tell you. It was also a short work week, which is a good thing in itself. Well, at least we like to think so, and me, too. But in my case it meant that I had a lot of emails and work waiting for me, because a lot of companies did not close. Still, it is always nice to have an extra day at home.

Monday– Presidents’ Day and we had the day off work, definitely something to enjoy

Tuesday –  Got myself an iPad Pro and started setting it up while waiting at the hairdresser

Wednesday – David left for Houston – not a good thing, however since I had the evening to myself I played some more with my new toy, the iPad Pro

Thursday – Late at night David returned from his biz trip – yay! And before that I got some more practice drawing on the iPad Pro

Friday – Since we couldn’t have our ‘traditional ‘ cocktail / Grimm night on Thursday, we enjoyed it on Friday

Saturday – Blogging, commenting, some drawing – but all pretty much on a back-burner since I had headaches, minor migraine due to the extreme weather change. It was spring with 16 °C

Sunday – happy that the weather settled down and with it my headaches were gone – that is definitely something positive. I also edited a few photos for David’s Miltonville Mine Mystery part 12 and it is going to be the final one – woohoo! In case you are curious and haven’t read the previous parts or need to jug your memory because it has been so long – click here

I have shared a couple of iPad drawings I did in the previous post. Though I am pretty much hooked on Adobe and their software and apps, which are then linked through their Creative Cloud, I did those drawings in Autodesk Sketchbook. Which is a smart phone / tablet app, but also a stand alone desktop software.

Adobe has got a drawing app, too, Adobe Sketch. But to me it has got one major flaw – it does not have layers, a major drawback. Having said that, I still think it is a nice app and I created the below watercolor wash, painting with it. I think I may be using it as a background, but I really, really like how it turned out. So, if Adobe decided to add layers to Sketch, I might be completely hooked.

Now, to answer my own question (title) – yes, it can. Yet, it will never be the only #OneGoodThing.

How about you? Was there more than one good thing in your week? I hope you will share it with us. I sure could use hearing about more positive things. Why don’t you link up!

#onegoodthing is a collaboration between Susi of Bocafrau and Leslie aka RoryBore of Ink Interrupted and myself. Together we are hosting this weekly link up to remind ourselves of and surround us with some positive thoughts. We invite you to join us and link your blog posts, flickr or instagram photos below and if you are on twitter, or instagram for that matter, don’t forget to tag your tweets with #onegoodthing.

[Tweet “The new #linkup party #OneGoodThing – spread a lot of positive words, every Monday with @RoryBore @Bocafrau”]


watercolor background

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please also help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You may, of course, also [et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_3″]

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


8 thoughts on “Can iPad Drawing really be your main focus in a week”

  1. Looks like you are having great fun with your new toy. Excited to hear that we have another installment in the wings for David’s story. My one good thing was having a “visitor” on Saturday and knowing that loved ones are with us even when they are not.

  2. Sounds like you have a lot of fun planned! I love the watercolor(?) is that what you created on the new toy or is that just one of your brilliant works of art! Here is to a great week!

  3. I’ve always enjoyed watercolor painting. Sometimes when I see a pretty sunset or clouds I want to pick up a canvas and some paint brushes and go for it. I’m no artist but I enjoy the process. Maybe once we are in the new house I can set something up. More room and more light!!! 🙂 I think your watercolor would make a lovely background.

  4. Hi Claudia, you sound well and truly into your electronic drawing at the moment. As I said before I am hopeless at drawing, but enjoy a good doodle in pencil. I hate weather induced headaches, I get them when we have big storms looking.


  5. I just realized today that I visited everyone but my own hosts!! Oye. Blame it on the low carbs! LOL
    I love this background just as it is. It’s a gorgeous palette of colours and done just right. It would look great just as art on the wall I think.
    Can’t wait to hear the rest of David’s story!!! 🙂


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