Lake Quinault ~ Alphabe- Thursday

Jenny MatlockMy contribution today to round 5 of Alphabe- Thursday hosted by Jenny Matlock. If you have a moment please visit her website and check out her ‘terrific tangents’.

This week’s letter is ‘Q

~ for Lake Quinault ~

My in-laws live on the Olympic Peninsula directly on the Puget Sound in Washington State. A big chunk of the Olympic Peninsula is the Olympic National Park, which comprises not only the Olympic mountain ranges, but also (among others) the Quinault River, Lake Quinault and the temperate rainforest Quinault. So, there you have it – a lot of ‘Q’s.

While I have not been to the Quinault river or the Quinault rainforest, I have seen similar rainforest at the northern end of the Olympic National Park and assume that they are similar. There are lots of huge trees, with underbrush e.g. ferns that almost always seems damp. At least all the times we were there, which was not in the height of summer, but usually Christmas or spring.

Lake, quinault, mountains, olympic peninsula, Washington

Lake, quinault, mountains, olympic peninsula, WashingtonIn 2004, which marked the first time I spent Christmas with David at his parent’s place, we planned to take a little road trip. From his parent’s place all along the west coast on US 101 south to San Francisco. Don’t worry, I am not going to tell you the whole story of our trip or show you all it’s photos, since this class is only about the letter ‘Q’, but we did pass Lake Quinault on the way. Since I was driving during that particular stretch of our journey, I quickly stopped the car, much to David’s dislike, along the road, got out and took these few photos of the lake. Doesn’t it look just beautiful? So calm and serene. Except for all the chopped off trees that you can see in the one Lake, quinault, mountains, olympic peninsula, Washingtonpicture. Logging is a big industry in the northwest, hence you got to see stumps somewhere. I was truly amazed at all the forests. Yet there are also a lot of bare rolling hills that had obviously been completely cleared. Not very sightly, but on the other hands there are also a lot of areas where you see reforesting with signs like this one along the highways (photo by Geppertphotography) informing you of the dates that the reforesting(s) occurred. Pretty amazing. And very necessary to keep our Earth alive.

Lake, quinault, mountains, olympic peninsula, WashingtonHm, maybe would you like to see more photos and hear more about this particular road trip? Let me know.

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15 thoughts on “Lake Quinault ~ Alphabe- Thursday”

  1. These pictures are gorgeous! What a scenic gem to photography and yes, I would certainly like to see more pictures and to read more about your trip. We often talk about how nice it would be to visit the Pacific northwest. Maybe one day, we’ll get this chance. Great Q-post! =D

    • Thank you, Anita.Too bad I didn’t have more time to wander around and take more photos. These were really merely documentary.

  2. Wow.

    This post brought back memories.

    I love this part of the state. We’re heading up to the Oregon coast in a few weeks and although that’s not quite as spectacular as this part of Washington, it will be a lovely green respite from desert heat and brown!

    Thanks for sharing this quite lovely spot with us.


    • I hope they are good memories, Jenny. Actually, I love the Oregon coast and envy you seeing it so soon. Maybe we’ll some pictures of it?


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