Download your free octopus girl coloring page

Welcome to … sARTurday

Where I am sharing with you today a drawing of Octopus Girl and give you the opportunity to download the ink version to print and color it yourself.

But first something organizational. sARTurday has always been starting, well, whenever really. To be a bit more on a regular schedule, so that those of you participating may plan ahead, I decided to have my sARTurday post start every Friday evening and have it open till Monday noon. I hope this will make it easier for you, too.

Now back to some art. Over the past couple of weeks I have been sharing photo composites, so today I thought would be the time again for a little drawing. Very much a fantasy drawing, because who has ever seen or heard of an octopus girl?

As always my image started as a pencil sketch and drawing, then I inked it to make it perfect for some coloring, which I had a lot of fun with last night.

Now you may have some fun with it, too, by .  The link will open in a new tab/window where you can choose to download the file directly to your computer or to your Dropbox. It is a US letter sized pdf that you may print and color again and again should you choose to. I definitely hope you will have fun with it.

I would love to see the coloring(s) you come up with, so please share them with me, will you?! But for now, have a great weekend and stay safe wherever you may be.




If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Carefree Melody by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Illustration, manga, octopus, girl


7 thoughts on “Download your free octopus girl coloring page”

  1. She looks so sweet. I think it’s the bow. 🙂 I’ll download her for myself and little and see what we come up with. She just got a new set of Prisma color pencils and I used them last night on a coloring book. So fun!

  2. She’s awesome! I have a ladies night at my house soon with wine and “adult coloring” books. This will make a perfect addition.

    Thank you. AND – I love the new look of the blog!

  3. Hi Claudia, I do like the way your homepage displays now, somethings are worth the hassle. As for your Octopus Girl? You are one talented artist. She is cute and I thoroughly enjoyed watching her come to life in your video!

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC, I am so glad you made it!



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