Pastel Colors on Etsy Front Page

I have been on Etsy since January this year only. I remember very well fancying the pastel colors in the featured items on their page during my first visits before signing up. Being a photographer I tend to think of myself as a ‘visual person’. I respond well to color schemes, forms etc. And sometimes I just cannot get enough of one color. Or the opposite, I have seen enough of one, so that I need to take a step back, do something differently, before possibly coming back to it later.

What has this got to do with Etsy you ask yourself? Well, like every website they have a ‘home page’, in their case commonly called ‘front page’. And it is every Etsy seller’s dream to get on it. Because the front page is Etsy’s landing page, it gets a lot of visitors from outside, and inside, of Etsy. If you just clicked the link – there you are, you landed on their front page. Hence the items presented on the front page are very likely to get viewed, and clicked a lot and in return generate sales.

Over these last four months that I have been an Etsy seller myself, I have clicked the front page a lot of times, secretly hoping, of course, to spot one of my photos there. I never found one. But that is not the point why I am writing this. Every time I clicked the front page I see very calm colored, pastel colors items on light backgrounds. Looks really nice. And they are nice articles, too. These collection stay on there for one hour, before it changes to the next collection. So, the next time I clicked the front page: Calm colored, pastel colors items, light backgrounds. I thought, yeah, these are nice, too. A few hours later and still every time I hit their front page it is the same calm colored, pastel colors on light backgrounds, but different items. And that goes on day after day after day. Until one day I decided, forget it, I am going to boycott their front page. Which, in fact, I am still doing. Is that what you want, Etsy? People not going onto your front page, because they are fed up with your color scheme? I guess not. But I also think that not too many people are as fed up with it as I am.

So I thought, I would better document this. To the end that a couple of weeks ago, when I spent most of my day in front of my computer anyhow, I clicked the Etsy front page every single hour between 11 am and 7 pm and made a screen print of it. I added a ninth print from just this morning. Have a look for yourself and tell me I am wrong.

Etsy front page pastel colors

If this sounds like I am jealous… well, yes, I am a little. Because of the fact that these items do get a lot of, free, exposure. Do not get me wrong, these items deserve it, because they are beautiful. But, because it is a specific look, it is common that the same sellers are on the front page more often. There are so much more beautiful items on Etsy. Yes, they may have eye-popping colors or dark backgrounds, but they are nonetheless beautiful and deserve just the same high level front page exposure as the pastel colors. I thought I would share a couple of the darker, more colorful collections here. So, please have a look at these beautiful items that, probably, never made or will make it to the Etsy front page.

ellieroseltd dark background treasury

SharkysWaters dark background treasury

8 thoughts on “Pastel Colors on Etsy Front Page”

  1. This is one of the best articles I have ever read about the Front Page of Etsy. Thank you for doing this. Its a wonderful thing.


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