Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to my Photoartistry & More Saturday linky party – s~A(R)T~urday!
“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” Andy Warhol
You probably gathered that I have got a whole stack of quotes by famous artists to share with you on my Saturday article. Today this quote by Andy Warhol spoke to me clear and loud – change is in the air. Distant, yet I can feel it.
Did you notice that you did not get many, if any, comment replies from me over the past couple of weeks? I had always hesitated to send out those auto-replies, wondering if they bugged any of you, and you were too polite to say or simply deleted or spammed those emails. Which is totally fine, I understand. I actually went through a major ‘unsubscribe’ spree just this week. There are so many awesome blogs with excellent content out there, but my inbox just kept on filling up and I just kept deleting, without reading. So, what’s the point? I was simply overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information. Plus a lot of my subscriptions are, or I should say, were photography and blogging business related.
Both photography and blogging are going to be part of my world, always, that will not change. I will continue to take photos and to blog about them. And I will also check out the posts you link on my site, be it in the comments or linkys. I truly enjoy and value the virtual community character very much. But the ‘business’ part – ever since I started working full time again here in the US, that became ‘my business’. And I have been struggling to keep up with the business of ImagesByCW. I have many ideas, but only limited time and energy to execute them. So I have to pick my battles carefully. And that means at this point and for the time being I will concentrate completely on my photoartistry and thus am pausing the ‘business’ idea of ImagesByCW.
I am sure that my friend Leslie a.k.a. Rorybore can relate to what I said a lot. Her full time job is taking care of her family while making time to letting her creative juices flow. She is a wonderful writer, just check out a few of her blog posts on Time Out For Mom, any of them will captivate you. And not too long ago Leslie also started to get interested in photography and creating photoart from her photos, calling herself ‘Photo Ninja in training’ – hahaha – that’s Leslie. It is fun to see her developing her skills. Heck, some of her creations are astonishing! Check them out e.g. in her link of last week’s s~A(R)T~urday. And don’t forget her writing is wonderful, too. Please check it out here: Last week’s entry here.
I hope you’ll be enjoying your weekend where ever you are. The weather forecast here in NJ is not too good and it is actually raining right now. But that only means that I can concentrate more on indoor i.e. photoartistry, which is not too bad, right?! Thank you for being part of our little art community, I look forward to seeing what you have been creating.
*** Here is where I link up today. ***
Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:
<div align="center"><a href="http://ImagesByCW.com" title="ImagesByCW Photography"><img src="http://www.imagesbycw.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sARTurday.png" alt="ImagesByCW Photography" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding, make even more art.”
Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on ,
if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.
Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
hallo liebe claudia,
gerne mache ich bei Dir mit.
Ich warte immer schon samstagsnachmittags!
Vielleicht magst Du Dich ja auch mal bei mir verlinken?
stöbere ein bisschen, wenn Du magst.
Herzlich Pippa
Hallo Pippa, na das ist ja schön zu hören, ich hoffe nur, ich lasse Dich nicht zu lange warten 🙂
Hmm, ich hab ja ein wenig gestöbert, aber irgendwie nicht gefunden, wo ich mich verlinken soll – ist aber o.k.
Claudia, this is a wonderful link up! I’m SO not artsy, but I can appreciate other people’s art…and I can make an attempt at being creative! Happy weekend to you 🙂
There you go, Jennifer, ‘creative’ – that is all you should be when you link up. Hope to see you tomorrow.
Fantastic art as always!
I can relate to the not enough time and choosing your battles. With the move and settling into the house it really has brought home (ha!) to me how limited my time really is. School and full-time work starts back in 2 weeks, which means I will have even less time. I love reading blogs and sharing them and responding, but there are so many other things that demand my time…like my husband who occasionally will say something like, “I wish you would come to bed rather than staying up doing whatever you’re doing on the computer.” Yes dear.
Thank you for joining us again this week for Photo Friday!
Those husbands, huh? Demanding time from us for themselves, unbelievable 😀 Same here, understandably so. And I want to make that time, too. Oh well, it is summer, there are just too many things to do, to enjoy – so, let’s live!
interesting composition. 🙂
Thanks for hosting.
there is so much going on here, but instead of being overcrowded or too busy; I love that it makes me feel like I am out riding my bike, and all that wonderful nature is just whipping past me!! I’m surrounded by the sights and the sounds and the wind is in my hair. Just wonderful!! I hope you get many lovely summer days like this.
And thanks for the sharing of such kind words and my post. It’s so wonderful that you have this challenge every week (well, I use “challenge” because um…. clearly for me it is. LOL), that encourages me to not only get out and take pictures, but to explore all the ways I can make a “scene” come to life. It’s such an amazing creative opportunity you have given us! 🙂
I’m almost done mine for this week!! just a few finishing touches and I’ll be back.
I was actually afraid that it is overcrowded, but maybe just from looking and working at it for too long. I am hoping for more of these bicycle days, too. But right now we are still missing our car, it is still in the shop after my accident 🙁
I hope you had enough time to be creative, being visually or in words, this week.
A magical world!
An ad for an adventure travel business…could see this as a mural♪
Thank you, Laurie, a mural never crossed my mind.
I love your piece this week!
Dear Claudia,
I always look forward to visiting you on Saturdays to not only see the incredible art you have created, but also to infuse myself with an inspiring quote and an encouraging creative word!
Thanks for all that you do – I added your link to the creative challenges list and will continue to help you spread the word about your awesome party!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks Claudia – following up on our e-mail and confirming that I was able to see the extra posts this time round! 🙂
Thank you very much for your input, Ramona, I really appreciate it!
See you next week! ❤
I hope so, Annie. I really am trying to get back on track and to catching up on my virtual friends’ lives, ah, blogs.
Yes, Claudia, I do related to picking battles and creating change. And one thing I learned very late in life is that for every change we make, it brings a dozen more! Your picture is interesting! Makes me think of those stories about whole worlds living in a speck of dust on a flea on a dog!
Uh oh, I like change, but a dozen more for every one? That sounds a bit scary.
Now that is quite the bike path … good luck to the biker getting through, congrats to the artist (CJ) for creating it. Fun, interesting and a touch of the beautiful …
Andrea @ From the Sol
Hehehe – yeah, ‘path’ – that’s the right word 🙂 Oh well, it is piece of fantasy.
Wow! What a breath-taking photo. This is the first time I have linked up for the #MySundayPhoto and to be honest, my wife is the photographer but I love the colours.
Thank you, Rob, I appreciate the enthusiasm in your comment 🙂 I guess the colors are a little bit focused towards the male, hey, after all, my husband is the subject in it!
My art is my writing. I hope you don’t mind my linking up my latest poetry. I am glad I found this linkup through Little Things Thursday. 🙂 I am like you. I have subscribed to a lot of blogs. I like reading them in my readers and not getting all the email, but that is the wave. You are judged successful as a blogger based on how many subscribers you have. ?
Hi Mary and welcome! No, I don’t mind at all. This is an art link up, no matter which art. Obviously it is a little lopsided towards photos, but I love it when written art makes its appearance here.
Very true about the correlation between success and number of subscribers, but – is that the success that you, I want? I totally love my subscribers and think they’re an awesome bunch of people, but I completely understand not getting their/my inbox spammed.
I usually use feedly as my reader of choice, but lately I have to admit I am totally slack 🙁 Wait, reword that, I am enjoying summer!
Very cool shot and edit! Love all the colors. And yes, all the emails can feel like noise at times. You just have to do what you can and not let all the places overwhelm you. I often get worked up when I can’t visit everyone daily or participate in all the things, but then I know that everyone understands that we only have so much time in a day/week.
Such true words, Kim. I think I felt very overwhelmed this week, because I don’t know how many times I have hit ‘unsubscribe’. Phew – I just had to. And guess what, now I am looking at my inbox and am wondering why there are hardly any new emails – ahahaha. Oh well, that will change pretty soon, I know. It seems like a cycle. But yes, I agree, we are (mostly) a very understanding bunch.
Loving your works where you incorporate people! This one is the most amazing to date! #mysundayphoto
Thank you so much, Merlinda. It is so hard to incorporate people, because I hardly do portraits, but I found a good source for pictures for my use, so you should be seeing more in the future 🙂
I love that photo. It’s like a collage but different.
I’ve also been hitting unsubscribe and delete on many blogs that I didn’t read anymore or only sporadically check. There are only a handful, like yours, that stay in my inbox, most others I’ll click on when I see on Facebook and have time to read. My bloggy circle has definitely shrunk but I look at it as quality over quantity. 🙂
Thanks, Susi. Most of the time when I hit ‘unsubscribe’ it feels good, but every now and then I hover over the button before I hit it. Then again, I know the blogs I want to return to or have them in my reader etc. Oh well…
Oh yes, and facebook makes it very easy, too, to stay in touch and comment, but that comment then is on facebook and as bloggers we all know that we want comments on our blog.