Be inspired – quote challenge

For a change I thought I would update you with a somewhat irregular in-between, Monday/Tuesday kind of post. Why? Because – I have been challenged by Les of Ink Interrupted to participate in the ‘Be inspired – Quote challenge’. I love a good quote as much as most people I know. Maybe not quite as much as some, but I definitely love reading them and see their value. They inspire to feel, agree or question and maybe even action.

So I went ahead and googled quotes, because as usual I don’t know any good quotes off the top of my head when I need one. I bet in a moment I’ll scroll over to facebook and see the perfect one (if there is such a thing) – wouldn’t that be right? In light of the fact that over the past year or so I have changed a bit, well, maybe not changed, but rediscovered a part of me that laid dormant for many, many years, I combined the chosen quotes in my own handwriting with a slightly decorated drop cap and one of my photos.

Yep, my photos, no change there, but in the past year I have reconnected with my love for drawing and painting and now lettering, which I have to improve a lot (!). But I will continue to show you more of that kind of work around here and on Instagram and Facebook. And in that respect I have changed. I am not anymore in search for the perfect photo to share with you, but will share what I am working on, imperfect as it may be. And I have chosen my quotes to represent my current feelings and my love for art and making art.

Since this whole post is somewhat change related, I will link it up to Leslie’s Coffee Chat, where she asks: AEDM2015How have you changed in the last year?

I also wanted to let you know and give you a chance to participate in the Art Every Day Month of November over at Leah’s Creative Every Day. As usual I am not sure how much I will be able to participate, but I will at least give it my best.

So here are my quotes, in no particular order. Four that spoke to me while I was browsing through them Sunday night. And, almost more importantly, they still did tonight while I was searching for the right photos to put them on:

quote, moon, magic

quote, mermaid, moments

quote, fun, hemingway, windsurfing

quote, godin, sunrise, ocean

Of course, being a challenge there are rules for the Quote Challenge, too:

  1. *Thank the blogger who nominated you – gladly: Thank you, Les (of Ink Interrupted), for thinking of me, for being awesome, funny, yourself and being a friend.
  2. *Post three of your favorite quotes – oh well, I posted four, shows you how I handle rules (more like ‘rule of thumb’)
  3. *Nominate 3 bloggers and challenge them. A-ha, alright then – I now challenge these three bloggers to share quotes that speak to them:
    1. Susi of BocaFrau
    2. Tamara of TamaraCameraBlog
    3. Tiffany of SoundsLikeLifeToMe

But, Ladies, please remember ‘no pressure’. If you feel like sharing some of your favorite quotes – great, do it. If you don’t have the time right now, or don’t like quotes or challenges – I totally understand. I am always on the fence with these challenges that are making their round on the internet. But every now and then one comes along that I decide – yep, this one’s for me.

See you all tomorrow with another edition of Wordless Wednesday.

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


<div align="center"><a href="" title="ImagesByCW Photography"><img src="" alt="ImagesByCW Photography" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!



12 thoughts on “Be inspired – quote challenge”

  1. Oh, that last one really hits home!! That is the goal right? To have the kind of life you don’t seek to run away from. Love that one.
    And how awesome is the one with you windsurfing!!!! YES. Never. Stop. Playing.
    Or creating; which for us, I guess is rather our kind of “play.” And over the past year, I have come to terms with that as a most acceptable kind of play. It feels natural. Unforced. It feels like… Me. I would imagine you also have come to know that, which is why we return to the things we first loved. First loves are very important – we should hold onto them. I think they are the best, truest version of ourselves. It’s where we shine.
    Keep shining friend!!! xx

    • Thanks for the nomination, Leslie. You made go and look for quotes, with intention and not just stumble over them. I really am glad I found the ones I posted. They all ring very true for me.
      You sure are right about the importance of first loves

  2. Aha, a nomination! I will say that I DO love the quote “You only miss the shots you don’t take.” Both from a photography standpoint, and a life one.
    Of course there are 10,000 quotes I LOVE and I can’t think of them when I want to! Not cool!
    I do love the Hemingway one.

    • Well, I already mentioned how I feel about these internet challenges – take ‘m with a grain of salt or more 🙂 I agree 100 % with the quote you chose. Even back in film days I couldn’t be stopped shooting every photo I wanted to take. Others were like ‘aaah, so much film, the costs…’ blah, blah, blah – oh the things you could miss .

  3. Aw, well you rock! Thank you for the nomination! I will see what magic I can dig up.

    I love that last one alot! They are all brilliant actually. We get so wrapped up in life that we really forget to look at it.

    I am also enjoying your drawing pieces and have sharing them with my daughter to keep her inspired. I can’t draw to save my life.

  4. Probieren geht über studieren …. auch ich war lange zeit sehr unruhig und auf der suche.
    habe jetzt so meine blogs gefunden und damit meine blogfreunde.
    nur wer mittwochs digital art nf in echt ist, das kapiere ich noch nicht…. vielleicht finde ich es ja noch raus … ich glaube ihr beiden jedenfalls kennt euch.
    rorybore ist auch ne ganz treue seele, wer auch immer sie in echt ist…
    herzlich P.


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