Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to my s~A(R)T~urdaylinky party!
“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” Andy Warhol
Alright folks, today is going to be sweet and short. It has been a long week and I just don’t feel like writing much. I feel more like gaming. A lot. And I think that is exactly what I will be doing in just a moment. Mostly some fairly brainless kind of entertainment. And after that I might top off the evening with a similar kind of movie. I am sure that David will find something suitable. Oh, and of course, dinner will not be cooked by me, but delivered – sushi!!! I am forgetting something… hmm …. right, drinks! Those will be around tonight, too. At least for a little while. You know, they tend to evaporate rather quickly. Thankfully they get replenished rather nicely as well – hahaha.
Oh well, you get the drift. All is well in my world, but I am tired. And the colors in today’s image speak to me right now. So do actually the ‘invasion’, gloominess and rays – it just fits my mood. Needless to say I didn’t create this last week, but, oh my, in December last year…
So? What have you been up to? Anything exciting planned for the last few warmer days of 2015?
And don’t forget to check out last week’s final entry to s~A(R)T~urday by Lisa of Chasing the Sun – her entry here.
~ Red Mill invasion ~
*** Here is where I link up today. ***
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“Don’t think about making art, just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding, make even more art.”
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
Is that the same magical mill I told you my friend works near? Check out Cherryville Photography! Tell her Tamara sent you. Well. only if it’s Deanna. The other staff members might look at you funny!
I love the way you described what you need after the week you have, but that you feel ok too.
Yes, it sure is that same mill. And actually from the same shoot, too, because I haven’t been back since then.
Hallo Claudia,
ich wünsche Dir ein erholsames Wochenende, es scheint dringend nötig zu sein.
Deine rote Mühle ist von grosser Unruhe bedroht, scheint mir!
Na, Besuch ist eben anstrengend, und Dein Beruf sicher auch.
Herzlich Pippa
Vielen Dank, Pippa. Es war ein gutes und erholsames Wochenende. Bin nicht sicher, daß ich bereit bin für die nächste stressige Woche, aber – manchmal hat man halt keine Wahl.
a bit darker then usual.
Our mood dictates the result 🙂
I agree, Monica, our mood, emotions definitely dictate what we do, at least in art.
Oooo … interesting and creative. The more I look, the more I see. It does look a little moody, but in an explosive sort of way. I like it, it grabs me. I am celebrating 51 years of marriage today … keeping it simple. I will cook our favorite foot and maybe we will use it as an excuse for a little chocolate cake (yummmmm) which is a no no for me because I am on my Thailand diet (that means I want to lose 20 pounds before I go to Thailand in February to see my son’s Thai Wedding (They are already married here in the USA). So this will be something of an interesting day for me and mine 🙂 Have a great and relaxing weekend, Claudia …
Andrea @ From The Sol
Congratulations, Andrea! Wow, 51 years – what a wonderful accomplishment. I think that should call at least for a little chocolate cake, despite your Thailand plans. ‘Two weddings for the price of one’ so to speak, nice. I think the Thai wedding. will be the experience of a lifetime. Hopefully I get to see some pictures 🙂
Your night sounds great! Hope you enjoy it!
I sure did! And it actually did not contain as much liquids as the post made sound. Maybe I just needed to write (rant?) it off? Whatever – it was a good weekend.
I think I’d love to have your kinda night too!
I love this piece, and perhaps because I am feeling the same mood — rather just, moody perhaps. And it just gels perfectly right now.
It’s raining and maybe that’s why. I haven’t created anything either; I’m kinda stuck between wanting to write, or do I want to photo edit? I haven’t taken a picture in over 2 weeks, so I think that’s the problem. Back to school just was… ugh.
I gotta commit to grabbing my camera and getting out next to enjoy these last nice days. OR,to capture the beginnings of Fall.
Hopefully I’ll be back to link up something today or by tomorrow.
We saw Mad Max Fury Road last night. It’s very intense. A bit strange. But oddly a very feminist movie in some ways. Also, Tom Hardy. 🙂
Aww, I hope you get YOUR night, too, Les. Your off to a good start, because – guess what we watched last night? Yep, Mad Max Fury Road – hahaha – I agree, it was a little strange to see it that heavy on the female side of things. But that head dude had good taste: A blond, a red, a black, a brunette – wait, forgetting one, right? They reminded me strangely of the Valkyrie with their flowing hair… well, maybe not that strange with all that talk about Valhalla, too.
We have got rain here as well, since about noon. Didn’t even go bicycling, but – I had my first ever yoga lesson – that was kinda intense as well.
And pssst – I haven’t really picked up my camera lately either. Not sure what it is, but with the little time I’m so drawn to painting and drawing and… oh well, it is just a phase.
well, the darker movie definitely had an affect on me – as you will see in the photo edit.
I rather like the twisted tale though. 🙂
I liked both, the movie and your darker mooded image, maybe you have to let out your dark side…
I like that photo. Not such a sci-fi fan but that one is nice. Fits in perfectly with the weather here today and the fact that I am at work. 0.o
Uh oh – work on a Saturday? It is not tax season yet, is it?! Well, I hope you at least got to enjoy Sunday (off).
Lovely creation – enjoy your weekend!
Thank you, Ramona. I definitely enjoyed the weekend, hope you did, too.
Claudia, tax season is truly Feb 1-through Oct 15. Things really go crazy around 1st week of March through April 15, things calm down until 8/15, then we go full throttle until Oct 15. And I will be in early, late, and weekends until Oct 15. The good news is Oct 17 I will be in NOLA!!!!!
Aaah, o.k., now I see. Thanks for that little piece of Americana 😀 I only knew about the March/April thing.
That’s right – you got your NOLA trip booked – yay, that should recharge you, huh? And we’ll be seeing new photos
So awesome!! Love the warm colors, and of course the photo of your sushi from the other day:) Hope you are well beautiful! xo
Thank you, Lindsay – still dabbling around a lot with the faces.
Hahaha – SUSHIiii!!! Love it! One of the things I experienced first together with my husband…
Enjoy your vacay!
I certainly understand those nights. I was looking forward to one last weekend but the husband didn’t cooperate. Doesn’t sound like he’s going to cooperate this weekend either. Hope all is better this week with lots of opportunities for rest ahead of you!
Yard work is on tap for our warm weekends but we will have them here for another month at least.
Thank you for joining us this week at Photo Friday!
Hi Jen, unfortunately your good wishes for a more relaxed week was not fulfilled. But – all is good. Yard work to many is the one relaxing thing, for some reason it never was to me. I just don’t like it. I wish I could say that we’re in for at least another month of warm weather, however I am feeling the chill already.