Rockefeller Treelighting 2015

Welcome to my s~A(R)T~urday linky party – today: Rockefeller Treelighting 2015

“When I say artist I mean the one who is building things … some with a brush – some with a shovel – some choose a pen.”
~ Jackson Pollock ~

Apologies for being a little late to my own party, but this week was short, and I slept in this morning. All of which are pretty good things, but they led to the fact that I am posting my article late. I guess I could have been a bit more organized, but – I wasn’t, simple as that. I also had planned to bring you a photo recap of my visit to New York City and the Rockefeller Treelighting, which we were lucky enough to attend again in the VIP area on The Rink, but I took very few photos.

This was one of the worst kinds of weather I have experienced visiting the city. I do love me some rain or especially fog in my photos. But this constant drizzle, sometimes turning into real rain, and being dull and gray from morning till night, not knowing what time it is by looking outside my hotel window… Nope, that made me stay inside, work, read and work out. Even my lunch date with David took place a couple of houses down the street.

This time we got a hotel right there at The Rock on 51st Street, which was *#)%^+ getting there Tuesday night, in the rain, traffic being even more jammed than normal. But once we were there it was great, David had to walk three minutes to his conferences and we had the same three minutes to get to the Treelighting on Wednesday. Well, if it hadn’t been for all the barriers NYPD put up all around us, since we were – right there.

Police all around, here on 51st Street


Lunch date at Johnny Utah

maison jar bokeh

And then around 6:30 pm on Wednesday we walked, in the drizzling rain, over to the Sea Grill @ Rockefeller Center to attend the party. Unlike some others we stayed outside and endured the rain for the whole show.

So here are some of the few photos I took during the Rockefeller Treelighting 2015, mind you only the ones we saw live on the main stage. There were some, e.g. Mary J. Blige and James Taylor, who performed on the top of the Rink and some others that were taped a day or so earlier, e.g. Michael Buble and Andrea Bocelli. Of course I took photos of them on the big screen, but they are not the kind of photos I want to share with you.

Rockefeller lit, the tree not

Rockefeller 2015, black and white

The lady in front of me was filming Pentatonix 🙂

The Rink filming



The New York City Youth Choir

The NYC Youth Choir

Andy Grammar

Andy Grammar




The Mayor and VIPs

Mayor and VIP

The Rockefeller Center Treelighting 2015

Rockefeller Treelighting 2015

I hope you will enjoy your weekend.

Oh, and one more question to the ones who link up their creations: Would you be interested in receiving an email right when I publish the post? Let me know in the comments or shoot me an email. Thanks.


 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


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I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


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26 thoughts on “Rockefeller Treelighting 2015”

  1. Hallo Claudia ….. englisch in grösseren Zusammenhängen ist mir zu anstrengend, auch wenn ich wahrscheinlich in der Lage wäre….

    jedenfalls habe ich mal zusammen PHANTASIERT (Spass), dass Du im vorletzten Foto als Rockefellers Gattin strunzen warst, während ich bloss zuhause gekocht habe…. siehe Beitrag.

    Eine lachende überphantasierende Pippa grüsst Dich

    • Hallo Petra, ja, das kann ich verstehen, daß das mühsam werden kann. Wenn ich es trotzdem verstehen will, hilft mir oft Google Translate. Das ist zwar nicht perfekt, aber zum verstehen sehr gut.
      Hahaha – Deine Fantasie ist klasse! Ich wünschte (fast) ich wäre das auf dem vorletzten Foto, die Dame sieht cool aus, gell?! Aber nein, leider nein. Andererseits bin ich – Gott-sei-Dank – auch nicht Dein kochendes/gekochtes Huhn

  2. This looks like a great celebration. James Taylor is a lifelong favourite of mine so that alone is wonderful! Great photos, so very festive!

    I have linked a poem that has not been shared before. It is the other side of the holidays, the one in the shadows.


    • Your poem is beautiful, Annie, as always.

      It was a good celebration. Unfortunately we only saw James Taylor on the screen, since his stage was over our heads, but it was pretty cool.

    • Parking meter?! Now you got me stumped, I don’t think I have a single photo of one in this post…
      Actually you would not have seen me, because I was almost behind, under the camera on the ground, an impossible angle – hence the 6th shot, which shows the cameras live monitor 🙂

  3. Your pictures are stunning! I love the vivid colors and you were so lucky to be so close to capture everything up close and personal! Wow, look like you guys had a lot of fun despite the rain. Thanks for sharing!

    • Thank you, Ruth, for stopping by. It was a fun event and I am happy you think the photos do it justice.
      I wish I could have commented on your ‘Aphrodite’s Rock’, because it is a beautiful post.

  4. Oh so dazzling!! The Lights, the sights…. all I need is the sounds, because STING!!! Heart eyes forever. I love his voice. I have few songs from Andy Grammar too and I like his new one. What a great evening though, despite all the rain. To SEE that giant tree lit up would be almost magical.

    And LOVE the new site look! I like how your menu bar follows down the page – very cool. I can’t see the link up right now – but I know I did earlier, so it might just be something on my end for the moment: I’ll check back later so I can visit others. It did load quite quickly, even with all these great shots, just in case you’re wondering about that.

    • Yes, I can imagine that you would have had a ball there 🙂 being live there at an event, is so much more than seeing it on tv..
      Thanks for commenting on the site’s look – it is not quite done e.g. I am noticing that the font of the comments is different than the rest. But I really had done enough yesterday to get it where it is now 🙂 I really hope it is fast(er), it feels like it.

  5. Wow, I don’t even know what to say. I love all of it. I love Sting. I love the adventure you had. Even with the rain.
    I once took a photo of the Empire State Building that looked just like that. I NEED to find it.

    • Somehow I have a hard time believing that you don’t know what to write, Tamara, but – I’ll take it 😉 I always loved these straight up the skyscraper shots. It works magic with trees, too.

  6. For not being able to take too many oictures, the ones that you took are great. I love Andy Grammar and Sting. And oh my gosh, I cannot wait to see that tree. I also owe you a message… Hopefully, I will get to it this evening. xo

    P.S. Like the new set-up…


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