Saturday linky party | s~A(R)T~urday

Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to my Saturday linky party – s~A(R)T~urday!

If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.” Edward Hopper

I got to be quick this Saturday morning. The wind is up and – I still cannot go windsurfing. But David might. And if we don’t, well, there’s always bicycling, right? And should all else fail, I think I finally am getting out of my slump. I have finally started on an actual image in Photoshop. Yep, after weeks, or what seems like months that I have been using my iPhone only, I found my way again to my favorite program of all. Hopefully I’ll have that piece finished for next week. This week it will have to be iPhone only again. A picture the pond in our local Malapardis Park, which I edited using one of the CitraSolv picture textures I made a few weeks back. I really love how the greens and blues turned out in this one.

Please welcome Pippa, a new contributor to my meme. Pippa had the last entry in previous week’s s~A(R)T~urday. She shared with us a beautiful purple flower mash up. Please check it out here: Last week’s entry here.

What ever you’ll be doing this weekend, I hope you’re having fun! Have a great weekend, All! I’ll be seeing you next week.

Malapardis, park, pond

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


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I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. My personal medium is photography and photo art, but I do not want to put a limit on my art link up. Thus I encourage you to join me, no matter which your art form is.
Please do not be intimidated that I am calling this an art link up. I want you to share your creations. Art is completely subjective. It takes courage and time to realize that you may actually call your own creations art. If you believe they are pieces of art, I believe they are. They may be good or bad or great – who am I to say?! I’d rather like to think along these words from Andy Warhol:

Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!



20 thoughts on “Saturday linky party | s~A(R)T~urday”

  1. It reminds me of when I tried to put the protective sheet on my phone and didn’t get all of the air bubbles out. A picture like this always draws me to finding faces and there are many in here. Looks like great fun …

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  2. this is so my aesthetic!!! Water, woods, sky….. perfection. The blues and the greens are so vibrant. so vivid. love it.
    I could definitely spend a few hours in this space — and I might even remember to take a picture! 🙂

    Hope you get out and David gets to do some windsurfing. it’s kinda selfish though because I really just want pictures of my second aesthetic: sun and surf. LOL

    • I admit, I really liked how the color of the water turned out with the texture added. Apart from that, it really is a very ordinary, landscaped park. I am not so sure you’d like it. I imagine you more of liking the (wild) woods 🙂

      Well, we did not end up going surfing. I would not have anyway, but David actually preferred to do stuff around the house. And, there would not have been any beachy, sunny photos in any case, because it was rainy and windy. Perfect really for windsurfing – LOL

  3. I hope the weather is cooperating. For some reason, I thought youse guys only windsurfed down at Nags Head and at Bon Aire. I am enjoying a quiet rainy day here in VA. Tomorrow will be cooler temps so I plan to venture out. At least to the grocery store. Yes, I can be quite adventurous. LOL

    • It is probably, because most of my surfing and ocean posts are from those locations. But we used to go surfing here at the NJ shore, Sandy Hook etc. Just last year was not very windy – on weekends and this year – well, you know that story.
      I hope you enjoyed your adventures 🙂

  4. The textures and colors are gorgeous! It looks like an inviting place. A fairy tale place.
    Hope you had some outdoor fun this weekend, before the rains came!

    • Thanks, Tamara, it really is a pretty ordinary park with a small pond. Not something I’d hang out at, but I wanted to take a couple of photos of reflections, so – a pond is pretty perfect for that.
      As it turned out we did not venture outside on Saturday at all. Seriously. None. Sunday though I needed to, I had enough of being inside and went for a little bicycling by myself. Unfortunately no surfing, no beach, but it’s o.k. – another day.

  5. I am amazed that you did that with an iPhone! It is such an incredible image! Thank you for sticking with us at Photo Friday! I appreciate the support!


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