Leslie from over at Time out for Mom asked: Show me love. What are you loving (or not loving) right now.
I love that David & I have things we both love doing and thus spend vacations together. On the plane I read an article in a magazine talking about how more and more couples are taking vacations apart, because they are having different interests. I actually think it is great that we are able to do that these days. You know hotels etc. catering for single travelers. I am certainly game for a photo trip and unless it is an African Safari or such, I am sure David would not enjoy it. And I would not want to have him drag along. So, while I am liking the idea, at this point I am definitely loving that David and I are spending our vacation together.
Which brings me to my next love: Travel & vacation. I love to see and explore new places. Getting out of the same-ol’, same-ol’. Which I can only do when I am on vacation. I have to admit though that with the few vacation days you get in the US, we are now spending them 95 % to pursue our other ‘love’.
Windsurfing. Combined with being at or on the ocean, the beach, the wind, the sun – aaaah – BIG time love! Nice side effect – windsurfing gives you a whole body workout while you are actually having fun. Well, mostly fun. It is not always enjoyable crashing full blast into the water. After only two and a half days, I already have two nicely developing bruises, some skin missing off my toes, a broken toe nail and a cut on my ankle. Also, the antibiotics make it really tough not getting sun burned. But guess what: I am loving it and am having fun!!
Sorry, no windsurfing photos yet, because I am taking full advantage of the wind. Here is a few I shot with my iPhone: 1) a panorama of our windsurfing bay, the beach we went snorkeling on Sunday and a couple of the locals, not at the beach, but very close 🙂
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Lovely, lovely pictures! And, I’m with you on vacationing together – that’s very nice! It’s really quite sad when couples drift apart. I’m happy that you guys are like us in that you enjoy sharing your time with each other.
Thanks, Cathy! Yes, it is sad when couples drift apart, but it does happen and sometimes nobody is to blame. Interests do go different ways. And if taking a vacation apart to enjoy the rest of the year together, I’d be willing to do that.
Hey, nice ass!
bwwwahh! sorry, apparently I love a good guffaw.
I spy clothing down by the water’s edge on that gorgeous pana shot — some skinny enjoying the dipping? ha
(I think the carpet cleaner is getting to me today — we’re doing our carpets.)
I am glad you guys are having fun, sorry about all your boo boo’s though. ouch. And I heartily agree with your Love of traveling.
I miss it probably more than anything I did prior to the arrival of kids. I wish we had all the money to do the things I’d love to do, places I love to go, and show them all the really cool places in the world. but, we also like to eat, so there’s that. 🙂
can’t wait to see more pics!
Hehehe – you almost spy-eye correctly. Those are our clothes, but we come prepared when going snorkeling, having the swim stuff under our t-shirt and shorts. So, no skinny-dipping 😉 It would be quite ‘hazardous’, because most snorkel spots are also dive spots. And there were other cars, but no people to be seen = they must have been underwater. Wouldn’t that be a sight?! LOL
Those ouchies come with the fun, involuntarily, but they are part of it and accepted. We’ll see how we go, I’ll give you a full status update at the end of our trip