Six Words only

* old(er) photoshop composit for six words *

windsurfing, freestyle, jump, photoshop

Jumping high and catch the wind
Seeing the water shimmer under you
Feeling the sail in your hands
Hearing the wind all around you

Soon we will be there again!

Check out Adrienne’s website and some other Six Word Fridays blog posts.

My Memory Art six word fridays

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6 thoughts on “Six Words only”

  1. Great composite!! Leap into the unknown – Love it! Don’t know where this is, but seems exciting that you’ll be headed there again soon! Thanks so much for linking up.

  2. what a GREAT image for 6 words friday!! i had a heck of a time finding you thru google +. it doesn’t appear there is a link there, that brings you here. thanks for finding me and for the kind comment!!

    • Thanks, Debbie! And thanks for making the effort of finding me. I guess, because I am so often on G+, it is obvious to me. The links are in the ‘about’ tab and then either in ‘story’ or way down in ‘links’, ‘contributor’ – just in case you ever have to look someone else 😉


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