Sunday Social Blog Hop Party

W ith all the changes in our lives lately, I think I will have to change my online presence somewhat – again – too. I know I have declared Friday my social blog hop day, but when Evelyn and Jamie asked me to co-host their Sunday Linky Party (another blog hop), I could hardly say ‘no’, right?! But I promise that after this Sunday it will be back to Friday only – no change there! The party begins a little further down, but first a little update on… our changes…


Doesn’t he look like he is brewing something?!

20130119-005So, regular visitors of my blog know that beginning January 2, 2013 I went back to the corporate world, which also meant that finally we would need the second car, since our work places are opposite directions from home. On Friday, finally in our second go, we got ‘Junior’ registered. Of course, we couldn’t wait to take it for a spin. Plus I got a new lens for my still pretty new20130119-007 camera, which I wanted to try out, too. So, yesterday we drove out west to where David used to live, the area of Hackettstown. And while being there we check out one of the restaurants he frequented all those years ago. The Pumphouse – it is still there and while I haven’t seen it before, I assume that it hasn’t changed very much in ten years. This is not necessarily a bad thing. One thing I absolutely love, since my days in Australia? Menus or specials on blackboards. This time, though they looked good, we went for a Pumphouse Burger and Chicken Reuben, which came with Sauerkraut – how strange, right? Guess who had what?


But now – here it is – the Sunday Social Link Party!       I hope you will join us 🙂

Welcome to Let’s Get Social Sunday!

This party is for bloggers who wish to make new friends and gain new followers. It is also an opportunity to link up all your social media sites to gain more followers for blogging opportunities and it increases traffic to all your sites.

There are no “rules”, but all that we request is that you:
(1) Follow your hosts and co-host in as many ways as possible



Evelyn @ My Turn for us


Hilda @ From Overwhelmed To Organized


Claudia @ ImagesByCW

(the first three to four links links in each category)

(2) Grab our button and share it on your blog if ya like

(3) Let us know if you followed in the comments, so we can return the follows!

(4) Find some new blogs to follow and let ’em know you found them from the Let’s Get Social Sunday party. 

Just a note – If you would like to co-host, we are accepting spots in the future for co-hosts. Please, email Evelyn or Jamie and we will send you the information on scheduling. 🙂

Let's Get Social Sunday

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Let's Get Social Sunday" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Let's Get Social Sunday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>







Don’t forget to share and comment ♥

16 thoughts on “Sunday Social Blog Hop Party”

  1. Thanks for co-hosting the Let’s Get Social Sunday link-up this week! Your picture of lunch is making me hungry so the rest of the bloggers I visit today will have to wait…I’m goin’ for a nosh! :O) New follower.

  2. Stopping by from Let’s Get Social Sunday! You made up my mind….It’s burgers and fries for supper tonight!! Have a Great Week! Thanks for co-hosting! Lynn H @ Turnips 2 Tangerines~

    • Welcome, Holly! I’ll be sure to check out your blog and more, too. But it will be a while, till I get back from overseas 🙂


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