Two blogs in one

I know it has been a while since I posted here and there sure is a reason for it. Actually, as usual, there is more than just one reason. The most obvious one is very common and well-known, probably not only these days but in general: Time. It takes time to write a good blog post and not just to babble along.

And then there are all the other things going on in life besides blogging, which also take their share of the available time. Right now I spend a lot of my time online, even without extensive blogging. Trying to build a network around my photography business in general and my Etsy shop in particular. For those who have not tried ‘social media’ believe me it is very time-consuming. It is also very enjoyable and rewarding, because there are lots of new and interesting people you meet. Virtually, but real nonetheless. I enjoy connecting to people via Facebook or twitter or LinkedIn a lot. But connecting is a two-way street. Whatever you put in, you will get back. The more time you invest and start ‘talking’ to people, the more feedback you will get, too. Which is, part of, what you want as a business owner – positive word of mouth. The more the better, because one day it will reach that one person, who did not know you, but loves your work and hires you or buys your art. Which, of course, is my ultimate goal.

But back to the other reason why it took so long to post. I pretty much had established that I wanted to intensify my blogging, but had yet to make up my mind if I wanted to continue with two separate blogs. One for my business and one for our little family, which I have done for some time. Should I have two blogs in one? I kept thinking that it might a) put off  family members if they read a lot about photography, Etsy shops, fellow artisans etc. and at the same time b) put off fellow artists and artisans if they read about my family and my other interests e.g. windsurfing. So, after mulling that over and over and reading other people’s blogs, see how they build theirs, I finally decided that it is a good thing if a) family members also see my business side and b) fellow artists/artisans get glimpses of my personal life.

Et voilà – fast forward a few weeks – and here we are. Today I wrote the last post on WillisonNet and will from now on concentrate all blogging activity in this one here on ImagesByCW.

However, I am not 100 % sure yet how I will structure it. I am thinking to do certain topics on certain days e.g. have a family Friday, a photo tips Wednesday etc.

What do you think? I would really love to get your opinion! Just click the ‘comments’ button to open the comments section for this post. Your first comment will be moderated, but from then on you are good to comment as often as you want to. Which I hope you will do a lot.



2 thoughts on “Two blogs in one”

  1. It is difficult to separate the two. I already found it difficult to keep FB separated so colleagues would not see personal posts from family and then family did not have to see the posts on bands or concerts from friends. I am still having difficulty with it. Pictures can wind up visible when unprotected FB familymembers comment on them. Finding the balance is important and this will mean some things will just have to be said or send through other channels. But in time balance will be found, as it will also be found in most everything in life.
    And people will get used to seeing the other stuff too.. they can skip it if they do not want to read it.. right? 🙂

    • Thank you, Joke! I agree, these days you have to be careful, or better, aware what you are saying on the internet, because theoretically everyone can see it. This is good for some people and things and can be harmful to others. So, yes, in the near future I will be on a quest for balance 😉 Thank you and have a nice weekend!


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