Practicing with watercolors illustration in monochrome tones and values


Welcome to sARTurday – the Saturday art linkup

Well, hello and welcome to the today’s edition of sARTurday. As indicated last time, I think I will have an almost wordless post myself. That doesn’t mean, of course, that you have to be wordless.

If words are your art then you are welcome.

If pictures are your art then your welcome.

If your visuals and words combined are your art then you are welcome.

Let’s share some art, shall we?!

Me, I’ve been doing some art journaling, specifically watercolor illustration practicing. I found out that I like ‘brick’ work, pictured below in green. How about you?Cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Some Watercolor illustration practicings

12 thoughts on “Practicing with watercolors illustration in monochrome tones and values”

  1. I had started doing some art journaling recently too – I love it! Of course mine is quite a bit more rudimentary than your beautiful works, but it’s relaxing and a nice switch when I need a break from writing. Sadly due to this whatever illness this past week I have not done much of anything — but I started to feel a bit better this morning and hopefully that means it is almost done. ugh. I love the pinks and orange creation, but isn’t it funny that my house is mostly decorated in the shades of green and blue that you have chosen. 🙂

  2. Simplicity is often as difficult to create as the more complicated pieces of art. You certainly have a knack for making the simple beautiful. Your color choices compliment your effort and the little red dot is the ‘piece de resistance’ … You are good 🙂

    Andrea At From The Sol


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