Willison Family Reunion 2012 ~ Birch Bay, WA | part II
After a long, long night’s sleep from Friday 8 pm to Saturday 8 am I felt fit enough to go on one of my little jiggy-joggys. Not one of my better ones, but I worked out for 32 minutes. It was really pleasant, but felt way cooler than at the same time here in New Jersey. Well, it is further north, and directly at the ocean. Jogging along, as usual, I took a few instagram photos, which I will be sharing with you on one of the upcoming Wordless Wednesdays,
however, I will show you one of them now. By the side of the road, in fact in a lot more places as we learned later, there were blackberries. Wonderful, juicy, tasty and ripe blackberries. I did not have any then, but in the afternoon a few family members went to pick some, which ended up being our dessert in the form of… blackberry pie. OMG – that was soooooo yummy! I had to have the recipe and now that I am thinking of it, I will have to get the o.k. first, I might be sharing it with you soon.
When David got up he told me that we were expected for breakfast at his parents place. So, we drove over there and had some of Dave’s self made yummy bread, served with butter and jam and, of course, coffee. Yum, the first coffee since Thursday morning. Am I an addict? Hm, I don’t think so, but I just love my morning cuppa. After a couple of hours of talking in the small Willison circle, David’s parents, his aunt Nan, his sister Stacy with partner Art and us, it was time to head on over to the Kruger’s beach home again, to have lunch, consisting of more Dungeness crabs a little later. Do you get the feeling that a family reunion consists of talk and eat only? Well, you’ve got that right!
So on Saturday finally I took the first pictures with a real camera. Took a few photos of Glenda playing with the dogs, while watching over the children (mental note to myself: Check the histogram after the first few photos to adjust the settings!).
Unfortunately, I seemed to have had my ‘stupid cap’ on that weekend, because sometime during the afternoon the battery was empty. Not so bad, because I knew the second one was in the bag. However, I assumed, wrongly, that it was charged in the bag. It was just as empty as the other one. Still no problem, because the charger was at the apartment, so it would took only an hour or so to charge
one of the batteries somewhat. What I did not remember to check though was if we had a plug adapter with us. That’s right – my Nikon battery charger still has the German plug on it, so I need an adapter for the US. And – Murphy’s law! – we did not have an adapter in either one of our bags. Disaster! Since we still had a whole day ahead of us, David and I decided to drive down to Bellingham, WA to the next Best Buy to get one. Guess what? At Best Buy the adapter we needed was sold out. Next stop: The local mall to check the Radio Shack. And, yes, they had one – woohoo! We got back to Birch Bay, WA just in time for dinner (Dave’s favorite Lasagna + more crabs) on the deck, during which the first battery was charging. By the time the sun set, Mike lit the fire to have smores and the battery was charged enough again so I could get these pictures.
The wrap up of the Willison family reunion 2012 with our final day in Birch Bay will be online at the end of this week.
Here are more pictures – as usual just click on the thumb so a lightbox opens the bigger picture and then you can click on the left or right of the photo to forward/backward.
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Oh, Blackberry pie sounds amazing!!!! MMMMmmmmmmm!
It was soooo good! I wish I had some right now.
Very nice pictures, looks like everybody had a really nice time 🙂
I am pretty sure everybody did, we most certainly had a great weekend! Thank you for visiting, Ruth.
Wonderful pictures as usual. Those kids are too cute. I recall have the opposite issue when living overseas. Trying to find the European equivalent of an adapter for our US appliances, etc.! Glad for you it was easily found.
Thank you, Debbi. You know, we have moved so many times, and we have soooo many adapters, however, we left any and all of them at home. Now we are the proud owners of one more…