Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to my Saturday linky party – s~A(R)T~urday!
“If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.” Marc Chagall
Good morning! And what a beautiful start to the day it is here in New Jersey. We are currently having such beautiful days, it really is hard to be stuck inside at work all the time. And last week was major busy. In a good way. But waking up to roll out of bed, get ready, go to work, have one thing on your mind and one thing only = work, getting home late, maybe having PT or cancel it due to work, make dinner, fall into bed, get up – like a zombie – and repeat. That was last week, pretty much.
But now it’s the weekend. Earlier forecasts called for rain and thunderstorms, but now – it is going to be another gorgeous one. Which means… exactly, bicycling is going to be our agenda for today. I don’t think I ever mentioned that after a sweaty bicycle ride we usually treat ourselves to – icecream. On the long road through Stanhope, NJ there is this small tucked away ice cream shop: Cones by Design. They don’t have a huge list of flavors, but the ones they have are wonderful and all we tried tasted simply great. They also make ice cream cakes and they support individuals with developmental disabilities together with the Center for Humanistic Change. Bonus for us, they have a drive through, so we’re having our treats on the go.
Why am I telling you this? Because one day, after countless visits, I finally remembered to take a photo of my waffle cone filled with ‘Black raspberry blast’ and Campfire crunch’ flavors. It wasn’t the best of photos from a technical standpoint, being in a driving car, cone in one, iphone in the other hand, while licking my ice cream in order not to drip. But – I got a photo and I made it into the image below. Who knows, maybe I’ll remember and try to take another photo this afternoon, you’ll see it on Instagram first. I am 99.9 % sure that we will be stopping there to be treated.
Last week’s final entry to s~A(R)T~urday came from Fenna Blue of The Honest Badger. In the post she linked up, she is touching an art subject that, despite all of today’s widespread, open communication and – supposedly – open-mindedness is still not widely talked about, or maybe I have just not been looking for it? – nude art. One of the oldest arts. Her photos of Kendra are something magical, also due to the location they are shot in – a beautiful state park. Anyhow, since I love her photos I urge you to have a look, but I thought it fair to warn you, too. You will find her entry here.
~ ice cream ~
(click to enlarge)
*** Here is where I link up today. ***
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“Don’t think about making art, just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding, make even more art.”
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
That’s a fun after ride ritual! Gives you something to look forward to!
It certainly is. This Saturday I had black raspberry blast and caramel salted nuts – soooo yummy!
You make my mouth water … I can just about taste that sultry icecream and the homemade waffle cone. We don’t have anything like that close to us, but we do have a place that sells gelato, that I love, but wouldn’t dare have every week 🙂
I think your picture is perfectly suggestive as my hunger pangs can attest.
Andrea @ From The Sol
I admit that we are indulging ourselves every single week! But, of course, before that we work out for a couple of hours, so I guess we’re even 🙂 I hope you cravings weren’t too bad, Andrea
Looks yummy! Those little tucked away places are usually the best!! Raspberry is a favorite flavor of mine.
Yes, they sure are. Seriously, it looks like nothing much. And it doesn’t have extremely much. But it all tastes oh.so.good. You can find raspberries very often in my green smoothie 🙂
this is such a really neat edit!! It’s seems very simple a design, but I bet it took a lot of work. Could totally see this in a really cool gift shop that has unique art. We have one here and they put the photograph on square tiles and they look just great. this would be cool (ha!) as one too.
sorry I missed ya today… Hubby had a 5k race and then we had company all day. it’s back to school in a week, so I am not getting much spare time right now to do anything creative. I might not be too present until the kids are back in school…. but then I will have all the day long to get my creative spirit on again!! 🙂
I actually created this a few weeks ago and don’t remember how long it took. But I think it was more of a ‘quickie’. Yeah, seeing your own art on a wall – that is just great.
It’s good to hear you’re enjoying life with family and friends outside of our virtual world. I wanted to run a Color Run 5K this year – yeah, we all know how that turned out…There’s always next time. Just like with Sarturday.
How whimsical!! <3 <3 – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Hmm, I guess it is. I never saw myself as a ‘whimsical artist’ though, Gingi.
wow… amazing!
Thanks, Hilary. It was amazingly yummie-licious!
Mmmmmmmm….ice cream. Down here in the South, we are in a terrible ice cream drought. With Blue Bell having been out of production, there is no ice cream. I can occasionally convince Matt to go get some Dairy Queen but most of the time he is concentrating on boycott ice cream because there is no Blue Bell.
Thank you so much for joining us for Photo Friday again this week!
An ‘ice cream drought’ – hahaha – that’s a new one. But I guess it could be a real problem. Honestly I am actually not toooo much of an ice cream fan. But this one ice cream a week after our work out – that’s just fabulous.
Great topic…and toppings…thanks for hosting♪
Hehehehe – good one, Laurie! The toppings really were top notch 😀
Black raspberry is forever a favorite flavor of mine. Once I spent an entire ten day trip trying to find it all through Canada – even looking for the word “framboise” all through Quebec.
Finally got a cup of the good stuff in Lake George, NY!
My mom works in Stanhope so I know where I’m going next time she brings my kids to work.
You know, until I tried it at this shop I hadn’t actually known this flavour. Now – I love it! Really?! Framboise all through Quebec?! Oh boy… and then finding it in the good ol’ US. I hope you like the ice cream when you check it out 🙂
your ice-cream would have been nice yesterday, it was hot then. Today is clouds and windy. 🙂
Well, that’s just the way it is, isn’t it, Monica? Actually here, at the moment, it is just the best summer weather. It is quite warm – around 30°C, sun and clouds. They actually have forecasted thunderstorms for the past few days and not a single one has hit us – that’s the way I like it!