Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to my Saturday linky party – s~A(R)T~urday!
“If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.” Marc Chagall
Good morning and welcome to my (almost) wordless Saturday art link up. My day job really took it out of me this week, so without my usual little wrap up of latest events in my world, let’s see some art. From you, because I have been mostly busy with other things. Except for the little watercolor painting below.
Last week’s final entry to s~A(R)T~urday came from Lisa of Chasing The Sun. If you love sunsets as much as I do, you better check out her linked post! You will find her entry here. And then check out her latest post, which really is beyond gorgeous.
~ purple ~
*** Here is where I link up today. ***
Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:
<div align="center"><a href="http://ImagesByCW.com" title="ImagesByCW Photography"><img src="http://www.imagesbycw.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sARTurday.png" alt="ImagesByCW Photography" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding, make even more art.”
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
How I would be love to be able to sit down with a picture journal and just create … create a lovely women with purple hair or any of the many other things you paint. I envy your talent. I was surrounded by it in my family, but sadly not blessed with the gift. So, I enjoy just playing with my photography. Hope you have a restful weekend, Claudia so you are up for your day job next week.
Andrea @ From The Sol
Your family sounds like my family. Everybody was/is creative in one way, my dad, brother and I mostly in painting/drawing and photography.It really doesn’t matter which medium we choose, as long as we are and stay creative. I am glad you found photography to be your path.
Thank you for your weekend wishes, Andrea. There is no stress, but unfortunately migraine hit. I am sure it will be gone by tomorrow 😉
That’s very pretty Claudia! I sure hope things slow down a bit for you. You seem overwhelmingly busy with work these days!!
Thank you, Debbi. It is true, well, it feels like it. There is a lot going on at work, lots of things set in motion. And you know we are a very small team, so a lot of things to do and take care of. Next week will be no different with 50 % of our team being in Germany, my colleague on vacation (moving) and I am left in the office alone… oh well, it’s nothing new or unusual. Just right now I wished things would slow down a little.
Somehow I am not surprised that you are into purple…you are very talented♪
Hmm, it is true, I guess, purple (& black, of course) are my colors. There are many meanings to purple and most of them are pretty accurate for me. Thank you for your kind words, Laurie.
Hallo liebe Claudia,
ich muss immer ganz schön suchen, bis ich Dich finde.
Kannst Du da den Zugang irgendwie einfacher machen?
Es ist eine sooooo tolle Aktion, Deine Inputs sind so klasse!
Herzlich Pippa
Hallo Petra, erstmal find ich es klasse, daß Du Dich hier zu Hause fühlst und Dir immer die Mühe machst den Link up doch zu finden. Da meine Webseite kein reiner Blog ist, werde ich sicher den Link-up nie auf der Frontpage haben, Allerdings habe ich das Menue geändert. Zum Einen ist es jetzt immer sichtbar und zum anderen habe ich einen extra Reiter für Samstags gemacht. Ich hoffe, das hilft dir, denn ansonsten weiss ich leider wirklich nicht, wie ich es noch einfacher machen kann.
Alles Liebe, Claudia
Mir gefällt die Aktion und mir gefällt die Malerei in Pink 🙂
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland.
Herzlichen Dank, Jutta. Find ich Klasse, daß Du jetzt auch immer öfter hier vorbei schaust. Schon zwei aus meiner Heimat, die fast zu Dauerbesuchern werden – da kann ich doch gleich mein Deutsch üben 😉 Bis bald!
That is so pretty! I learned not to long ago how to use watercolors and cannot wait to go buy some and start creating some beautiful cards!
You learned it? As in you took a course? That must have been a lot of fun. I actually never did take a course, but learned it from my dad and brother and basically by painting. These day’s I watch tutorials – I am terrible with painting humans – hahaha – hence my trying again.
I am looking forward to seeing your cards, hopefully soon.
Not a course exactly, but a one time class for cards. Really fun!I try to get a picture of the card I made in the class up on my blog. That is something I have been trying to do but just haven’t yet.
Stay tuned!
I’d call that a course, too, a short one, but a course. Like the one I took in collages. What a fun afternoon that was.
Such a pretty painting. I feel like you with work taking a lot out of me. It seems we are all stressed out after the first week with students. Hopefully, it will get better… Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Hi Susi, yeah, I know. And you know what sucks, too? I cannot even say that work sucks, because I actually like what we’re doing right now – sigh – it is just a little too much for these ol’ bones…
I cannot believe that I have not had a chance to sit down and “create proper” in the past few weeks, but between being ill and being busy, life has just taken over!
So – to keep in touch – I am sharing Magellan photos this week (the most creative thing I’ve done!) – but I hope to get back on track with my crafting soon!
In the meantime, have a lovely week and be sure to join us for Inspire Me Monday – perhaps some more creatives will meander over! 🙂
Talk about being busy, alas not ill!, I am only getting around to replying to last week’s comments… I hope you are good again in the meantime and back creating, Ramona.
Wow, that is gorgeous! My favourite colour is purple :P. I’m not very good at drawing, but I love to take photographs. The power behind the lens…
– Linking over from Inspiration Monday
There was a time when I whole-heartedly agreed with your statement (not good at drawing and loving my photography). These days I really love to get my fingers dirty so to speak, but photography, of course, will always be there, too.
Ah, Scarlet’s favorite color. I see this on Facebook over the weekend and thought it was pretty awesome.
I can’t draw or paint.. at all. Lindsay totally can and my mom and grandfather are/were prolific artists.
I’m with Scarlet, totally love purple (just drew another one – in purple). I knew your mom is an artist, Lindsay mentioned it, but I didn’t know that Lindsay can draw, too. I bet it does help her on her healing path – it does that for me 🙂
Beautiful lady like the beautiful lady artist xo
Hey, I just learned that you are drawing, too. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture by you.
Thank you very much, Lindsay.
you’re so multi-talented!!
and as you can see, I am finally back!! I finally got all my photos loaded back onto my computer and tomorrow I will put my photography programs on, so hopefully I can have some Art of my own for this Saturday! 🙂
Multi-talented is one way of putting it, not knowing what to excel at would be another. But it is me, always a bit of this and that.
I just saw a couple of your newer pieces and am amazed at your talent and technique.
You are so artistic, Claudia. I’ve yet to master the art of painting. I tried it before, with oil paint – it’s tricky. You really need to paint alot and practice alot before a piece of work looks good, you know? And unfortunately, I don’t have the time to do that. Yet. Maybe when my kids are all grown… In order words, when I get (much) older! lol
Hahaha – guess what? I am – much older (and don’t have kids). But you are right, it does take a lot of practicing, Janice.