AEDM month @ sARTurday

Welcome to my ~A(R)T~urday linky party!

“There is no line between fine art and illustration; there is no high or low art; there is only art, and it comes in many forms.” James Gurney

It is November. And November is AEDM (Art Every Day Month) over at Creative Every Day. I mentioned before that I will be participating again this year. Failing like last year to create something each day. My time to create is dictated by my job that pays the bills. So late nights and the weekend it is. But, hey, that is my life right now – aaaaand it is the weekend, Saturday. So I will share with you what little pieces of art I have created last week.

Definitely click on each picture to see it larger. The mosaic gallery looks nice in an article, but the pictures are rather small.

And in the middle of it all, I posted one fall iPhone photo via Instagram.

red, leaf, fall, iphone

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

p.s. Is it as un-seasonally warm where you are as it is here in New Jersey? Just curious.

pps. still working on getting the coloring pages together 🙂


 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


<div align="center"><a href="" title="ImagesByCW Photography"><img src="" alt="ImagesByCW Photography" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!



24 thoughts on “AEDM month @ sARTurday”

  1. Hi from Photo Friday! I love your drawings and your leaf photo. AEDM sounds like a fantastic challenge. I’m participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo, so maybe I’ll try that one out next year.

  2. Sounds like you have been very busy but still able to carve out a bit of time for art! Which is always a good thing! Love the doodles and the leaf picture! I have linked up the article that I wrote for Halloween Artist Bazaar which has some arts cemetery photos from my recent trip to Nola. Hope you enjoy it. And yes it is warm here too but it is supposed to cool down some tonight.

    • I am fully aware that ‘busy’ seems to be an over-used word at the moment, but I really am. I think it may get a little less at work now, but – I could really use some catch-up time, too. Honestly, drawing, painting etc. is the one thing that keeps me from going totally crazy at times 🙂

  3. It is sooooo warm here still. We were out raking leaves and cleaning up the yard, and just wearing t-shirts and capri pants. no socks. crazy weather.
    So I saw a lot of these lovely red leaves up close myself today… LOL. the girls can’t resist jumping in them, as you are trying to rake them up to put in bags. So it takes a little longer, but again: no one was complaining about being outdoors today.
    I love the be Joyous one!! that would be a great framed print.

    • It is pretty crazy. We actually got cold(er) weather gear for our weekly Saturday bike rides. But so far, we could have used them only the days when we hadn’t had them yet – duh…
      So – did you get photos of the leaves? Any good ones? I am sure, photos of your girls playing with your raked leaves would have been great, too.
      Before any of my lettering is frame worthy, I have to do a lot of practicing. But thank you for your encouraging words 🙂

  4. Hallo Claudia, über Googleplus finde ich Dich jetzt zuverlässig. Das ist schonmal sehr gut.
    Ein netter Beitrag, den Du eingestellt hast, ein buntes Grüppchen, das sich zusammenfindet. Bin solange dabei, wie Leben drin ist!
    Schönen Sonntag, herzlich Pippa

  5. Beautiful work, you have a lot going on and some very interesting ideas and pages. Thanks for your visit on my blog today. Here in Germany it is 20°, unheard of here in Rhineland in November! Alles Liebe, Valerie

    • Thank you so much, Valerie-Jael. Oh, Rhineland – where exactly? I lived in Mannheim for 5 years and loved going to the Pfalz – wine tasting – hahaha. Hope to be seeing you around.
      Viele Grüße, Claudia

  6. Deine Website gefällt mir sehr gut – hier ist ganz viel Inspiration!
    Auch die Challenge Idee finde ich super – ich werde versuchen nächste Woche am Samstag mit dabei zu sein!
    Lieben Dank für Deinen Besuch!
    Ja bei uns im österreichischen Waldviertel gab es heute auch satte 25 Grad Mittags —


    • Hey Susi, herzlichen Dank! Ich fühl mich manchmal als wäre es ‘besser’ einer Kunstrichtung treu zu bleiben, aber ich kann es einfach nicht. Fotografie, Foto-Kunst, Zeichnen, Malen etc. etc. Ich bin einfach nur froh, daß ich dieses Outlet habe 🙂
      Ich hoffe sehr, daß Du nächsten Samstag dabei bist. Würde mich total freuen.

      p.s. wo genau bist Du denn in Österreich? Ich hab 5 Jahre in der Schweiz gewohnt, nördlich von Zürich. Und da waren wir dann auch jedes Jahr ski laufen, Vorarlberg – war eine schöne Zeit…

  7. Ohmigosh it is still so incredibly warm here. Actually this morning we woke up to a cold front moving through – out on the writing porch it made me think that I need to start looking at the local salvage store for a space heater. It’s been summer-time humid there the last week, so the chill is a welcome change.

    Thank you for joining us for Photo Friday again this week! I meant to have a post that I could share with you today, but it just didn’t happen. I’m really working on revising my calendar so I have time to get more creativity and art into each day. Hasn’t happened yet, but I’m working on it 😉

    • The weather is totally weird, isn’t it? I mean, I love it, seriously, winter can be as short as possible. Really, you need a space heater down there? Wow. Well, I guess it is that our body gets used to higher (or lower) temperatures.
      I can completely relate to ‘organizing my time’, so whenever you are ready – sARTurday will be here for you to join.

  8. You have a wide range of talent … I love the “freeness” of your art and wish I could be so lucky as to be that talented. But,that said, since I am not, I will do what I can with what I have and enjoy the process. Yes, it is unseasonably warm here and I almost hate saying it for fear of chasing it away. I am enjoying the extra days of jacket weather and not looking forward to the 10 minute layering process I have to go through each time I take my dog out, who, by the way, wears her coat year round and has no complaints when it gets cold. Hope all stays well with you, Claudia … you are a joy to follow 🙂

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    • Well, you know, Andrea, I always say it is both a blessing and a curse to have so many ‘talents’. It would make it a lot easier to just have one focus, yet I wouldn’t want to miss any of my ventures. Doing the best we can, and – more importantly – having fun doing so, is the goeal. And you are succeeding in that. So good for you!
      Thank you for being a loyal contributor to sARTurday 🙂

    • One can only try, Monica. Some of these are small, and quick, but – hey, I did it. Yeah, trees are pretty fascinating, right? I wanted to draw one for a while, in fact, I do have another one, and I think there may be more in my future – hahaha.

  9. Art every day. I can definitely live with that!
    It’s been unseasonably warm here and I fear it’s spoiling me. I can’t handle the cold at all and it’s nice to not be cranking the pellet stove by now, like I usually do.


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