Pumpkin feast WW w/linky

#47 / 2015 – Pumpkin feast Wordless Wednesday

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And don’t forget to check back on Saturday for my brand new *(almost) anything goes* art link up: s~A(R)T~urday


*** Here is where I link up today. Maybe.***

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30 thoughts on “Pumpkin feast WW w/linky”

  1. Did you do a cheese dip in the hollowed out pumpkin?? That is so very cool. What a great idea. You really should have been at my Halloween party!! Ha – we could have enjoyed that very much. It all looks so yummy. Do you roast the seeds too? This is the first year in a while that I didn’t do that. I am the only one who usually eats them, so I just didn’t bother.

  2. Kürbis ist was wunderbares! Tolle Fotos. Das neue Gelände am Rhein ist so hässlich, es soll halt Niemand hier in den Rhein fallen – ist auch hier nie passiert. Das Gelände erstreckt sich für ca 300 Meter, rechts und links davon darf man offenbar reinfallen! Dir eine schöne Woche, GLG, Valerie

  3. What a wonderful idea! We’ve baked squash and eggplant and stuffed all sorts of things – I don’t know why we’ve never thought about baking a pumpkin. I am now scheming for Thanksgiving now.;)

    Thank you for sharing with us at Photo Friday!

    • Yeah, I stuffed many things before and have eaten lots of roasted pumpkin, but had never done this before. Tamara of TameraCamera has got a terrific recipe and it is what inspired this one. It was good.

    • You have every right to be confused, Ruth, I am actually a little surprise nobody has asked yet.The pasta dish at the bottom was the made from left overs the second day. I layered roasted pumpkin, wholewheat (cooked pasta) and the beefless-beef cheese mix and baked it in a glass dish in the oven. The first day was the stuffed pumpkin.


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