Artful beginnings made possible during the Holidays


Welcome to sARTurday – the Saturday art linkup

Good morning, All and welcome to the first edition of sARTurday in 2017. Did you have a good start into the new year?

I most certainly did. We did a whole lot of relaxing, in front of the fireplace, in the magic bubbles of our bathtub, on the couch and in my creative corner of the house. Basically I alternated between all these places and did whatever I felt like doing that very moment. Of course, there was also time for work outs and cooking and gaming, all in all a very good time of simply enjoying life.

Reality set in on Tuesday morning when it was back to office work, which overall is still a bit quiet, however there were a few stressful moments. But instead of pondering over those, I will be going back to creating and living just like I did over the holidays. And I am starting this morning by reflecting on all the things I started creating over the past week or two. None of them is finished yet and I am soooo looking forward to starting working on them. So, without further ado – below’s short video of bits and pieces I created lately.Cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Artful Beginnings

Artful BeginningsPlease share with us one of your creations. It may be hosted on your blog, Flickr, Facebook, you name it!

6 thoughts on “Artful beginnings made possible during the Holidays”

  1. Nice video! I am awaiting delivery of some components I ordered to create a Memento Mori necklace. I have the hardest time picking out things for any of my projects because there is so much great stuff out there and how do you choose?!!! Happy 2017. May your year be filled with calm, love, and art. Always art. 🙂

  2. This is so amazing! I love seeing how your art comes alive. You inspire with your imagination and creativity. Thank you for that, as well as offering a place to share our own work. Hugs, my friend!

  3. Ohhhh, are those journal pages??!! I love it. A great and artful beginning to a new year. I have been doing some creating too. Actually setting up some “scenes” to shoot — mostly indoors because my camera actually shivered and said “bbbbrrrrr” when I tried outdoor photography this weekend. Ha. So I should be back joining you with art next week!

  4. Wow, you were busy having fun … love your little video. Says a lot about what your year is going to be like. Can’t wait to see how you fill your one empty page. I actually sat down and did some drawing in a journal today … a first for me maybe, since I really don’t draw well. But, truth is, it was fun, if not marvelous 🙂 Maybe I will be brave enough to share it with you one of these weekends. Your holidays sound wonderful. I agree, you should keep living like that … Happy New year, Claudia …


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