At the beach

You know what? I don’t think I have anything to share with you this Friday. It has been one of those weeks. Lots of work before going on vacation. Stuff to take care of at home before leaving. Buying a few bits and pieces to take with us and all of it meaning no time for photos. So what better excuse to share with you an old one, from last year. Taken almost exactly where I will be again in a few days – sigh – the beach…




And now to the regular feature of Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:

Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me  . If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is PAM FROM TROUPPETRIE she came up with the last two statements! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY NEED SOME STATEMENTS!

I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, andadd the linky to your post…

This week’s statements:


1) I get so frustrated when customer service phone people take 5 minutes tell me how happy they are that I called and how they value my business and if there is anything else they can do for me – yes, just let me hang up!
2) Morning is my favorite time for me.
3) I would rather have a housekeeper & grocery shopper than any thing else to make my life easier
4) The one safety rule that is always followed at my house is I don’t know because I don’t think we do have any.

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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


Thank you for being my reader.


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