#2 / 2016 – Wordless or Wordy Wednesday
Pssst – be very quiet (wordless, so to speak)… otherwise the pelicans might get you. They’re already flying in perfect formation.
*** Here is where I link up today. ***
Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:
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I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:
“Don’t think about making art, just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding, make even more art.”
Beautiful Claudia! Where did you take those? Sorry I haven’t dropped by in a while. I took a little break. 🙂
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Mary! Yes, I noticed your absence, but you had very good reason, too 🙂 This is the Bay Bridge in San Francisco, we were there in October for my SIL’s wedding. It was a fun vacation.
Wow, what a great set of pictures.
Thank you so much, Pippa. I always find it fascinating how Pelicans (and our very own Canada Geese) seem to always be flying in formation.
…gibt einen gedanken über die endlose weite der welt und wie wir menschen sie zu erobern versuchen! P.
Hmm, da hast Du eigentlich Recht, Pippa. So, habe ich diese Bilder noch nie gesehen. Aber, nach erneutem Anschauen – stimmt! Vielen Dank.
The entire scene looks fantastic! Beautiful blue!
Thanks, Indrani. San Francisco is beautiful, especially in fall, which is when these were taken. It was a nice, sunny and clear fall day with bright colors – made to take photos.
Wow! beautiful photos 🙂
Have a bluetastic week 🙂
Thank you so much! And, pssst – blue is really not my color, although I do love the ocean and the sky 🙂
Cathy whispers….”Claudia, fabulous pictures! What a gorgeous day! I would love to capture a shot like yours! Thank you for visiting and linking up. Have a fototastic week! 😉
Hahaha – thanks, Cathy. It truly was a gorgeous day and a wonderful vacation.
Very nice and peaceful. The Inland (freshwater) Pelicans migrate through our area every Spring. It is fun to see them. Growing up near Galveston, TX after living in Chicago my first ten years, I was amazed at these interesting birds.
P.S. I was going to link up, but there was no linky…?
Hi Annie, I decided to abandon my WW linky. Sorry!
That’s okay. I’m still with you! Hugs.
Happy birthday to you!! I hope you have a blast celebrating!
Thank you, Debbie – you know, we did 🙂
Gorgeous shot!! So much of my favourite blue: sea and sky!!! 🙂
Thanks, Les – yep, a looooot of blue in the sky and sea that day. It was beautiful.
Gorgeous!! The bridge, the water, the birds, the clouds…love it all 🙂
Thanks, Jenn. Funny you mention it, but the funny shaped clouds were actually the reason I started taking photos, when I suddenly saw that flock of Pelicans approaching.
Where is Bay Bridge? San Francisco? Looks beautiful! I wouldn’t mind Pelican watching there right about now!
Yes, Janice. The Bay Bridge is the lesser famous bridge in San Francisco. I wouldn’t mind it either, being that we are having snow and frost right now 🙁
So pretty. I love watching Pelicans fly and dive into the water. We get quite a few in out neighborhood lakes which always surprises me.
I bet you have enough down there. Actually on Bonaire was the first time I ever saw pelicans dive and fish. Pretty amazing birds.
Very beautiful. Taken in my home area.
In that case you do have a very beautiful home area. Thanks for stopping by.
You must have been so patient taking these photos! It’s great you were able to capture the pelicans’ movements.
Well, actually no, not really patient. Unfortunately I do not have the patience like some nature photographers have and sit somewhere for hours to get a shot. These birds simply flew by where I was standing on the pier. Thank you for your kind words.
Absolutely. It’s great you were able to get this moment.
I live (!) for the moment! 🙂
Beautiful images! I always enjoy when pelicans fly around me. I cannot get enough of their smooth flying.
Isn’t it amazing how well and beautiful they can fly? I mean the are pretty big and look a little clunky with the big beak, but, boy, do they fly and dive for fish.
Beautiful! They are amazing birds, aren’t they? Thanks for sharing with us at Photo Friday! I hope your weekend is off to a great start!
Thanks, Jen. I agree they are very amazing, flying so smoothly to suddenly take a dive for dinner 🙂
I would be glad, If you can decide to link it, ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Du diese grossartigen Bilder auch zu http://pippavier.blogspot.de/ verlinkst! Herzlich Pippa
Ah, to be there right now. Sigh. Gorgeous.
I wouldn’t mind being back there at all either. I bet it is a lot warmer and less snowy and icy than around here.