B&W panorama photography

S u r v e y R e s u l t:

Taking into account the ‘votes’ given in the comment section here and on facebook and assuming that those commenters did not follow the survey link, the outcome is very close:

#1 light & cheery = 46.15 %
#2 lots of contrast = 53.85 %

Thank you all very much!!


Fine Art Friday – today with a b&w panorama. You may have seen yesterday’s post about our trip to Charleston last year. The top photo is a panorama of Charleston’s marina, which I made from six individual photos. When I took the photo I knew it was going to be a big panorama, because everything seemed just right. The sun, present, but not too bright, lots of puffy clouds and a marina with very calm water catching the reflection beautifully. However, my wideangle lens was not enough to capture the full picture. Hence I first took multiple photos, right to left, of the reflection on the water – that is the photo in my Charleston article. Immediately after I took another set of photographs, slightly angled up to get more of the clouds into the pictures.

Later in photoshop I added the first set of pictures together to get the water reflection. Then I did the same thing with the cloud part. And in the end I combined the top and bottom row to get the picture(s) you see here. I didn’t stop there, because, being the sucker for black & white that I am, I  converted it to monochrome, a b&w panorama. I also toyed with adding different kinds of texture, but in the end did not. The photo is already loaded with a lot and instead of enhancing, the textures minimized the visual feel.

But, in the process of converting it I kept switching between more contrast or less. I know which version I prefer, but what about you? Please click on the photos to see them bigger and tell me which one your favorite is. Let me know in the comments below or take the mini survey – click here to take survey –  thank you so much!

Charleston Panorama b&w fine art photography


Charleston Panorama b&w fine art photography


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13 thoughts on “B&W panorama photography”

  1. Hmmm. That’s a hard call for me. Depends on the focus of what you are wanting. The top photo is great and easy on the eye and has good detail. The second is great too, but brings out the clouds in more detail, but the boats and water are a tad dark to me. Remembering that different monitors give different results too. 🙂

  2. Definitely like the top photo better. It’s easier on the eyes. I also noticed that it shows the water better. When I look at the bottom picture, I don’t notice the water, all I see are the clouds.

    Beautiful photography!


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