Our Christmas preparations

coffeechatNow that Thanksgiving in the US is over, another Black Friday gone by that I did not leave the house, but I did a little online shopping and Sunday was the 1st advent it is finally time to think about Christmas. Or if you prefer the holiday season. Very fittingly Leslie is curious about our favorite holiday pre-preparations, decorations and traditions and such.

We, as in David and I, do not really have many or any traditions as far as Christmas preparations go. But the one thing I am always looking forward these days is to go into the basement and get the carefully packed Christmas pyramid out, assemble it i.e. put the blades into their places, stick the candles to their places and then wait. Wait until it gets at least dusk before I light the candles. Candle light is so much nicer and warmer when it is dark. And the shadows the spinning blades make on our high ceiling really look fantastic. Hmmm, which makes me think, maybe I will try and do an iPhone time-lapse or rather slo-mo video of it. That could be fun, don’t you think?

We do not do the huge Christmas lighting around the outside of our house, but usually the first advent we get some of the lights we stashed away the previous year and hang those up around our windows. We set them on a timer, so that they turn on when it gets dark and turn off when we go to bed automatically. That works really well. I took this photo in 2011 with my old camera, but no, not THIS old. I thought I would give the photo a vintage feel. Since doing the photos for David’s story I have gotten into the mood of emulating these old time films to today’s photos.

Christmas pyramid

Did you note that I said ‘the first advent’? Well, that would have been this very weekend. However, we both had been mildly sick with a cold and did not feel at all in the mood to be doing the lighting. So that will be something to look forward to next Saturday. By then we should be really in holiday mood since this week the Rockefeller tree will be lit in New York City. And we will be right there on the ice. You know, to get me into the mood (I am writing, have written, well, whatever, this post Sunday night) for the tree lighting, let me dig out a photo from a previous year. I am sure I will have a photo or two to share when I’m back home. Although, it is almost herecy, but I am actually thinking of not taking my DSLR to the actual evening event, but only my iPhone. Great as it is, I know it will be pretty much useless in the lighting conditions there, but since my niece is visiting soon, I am sure I’ll have another go at the Rockefeller tree a week or two later.

rockefeller, christmas, tree, 2013

Yep, that’s the two of us in the midst of lots and lots of people. We really don’t do this kind of thing often, so this is ‘our’ event of the year. Hahaha, obviously I did not take the photo, but I wanted to show you a pic of the tree and came across this one and thought it fit. So there you go, and the tree is in focus :). Hm, I also think I just changed my mind. Browsing through my photos I realized that I actually did get some nice pictures of the evening event with my big camera and lens of some of the performers and the lights.

Oh, I don’t know. I guess I’ll decide on the spot if I am going to take the big kit or not. But, there you go, these are our only Christmas pre-preparations that I can think of. Until next time.

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18 thoughts on “Our Christmas preparations”

  1. I would so love to see that big tree all lit up!! What a sight and how could you not feel all festive after that!
    The pyramid candle thing is very cool! I have something like that, but it is packed away right now until the grabby hands get a little older.
    I rarely take my Canon to all events — trying to wrangle 3 kids AND set up a great shot: yeah – not likely to get either! I prefer to take it on solo outings right now. But as I get better and quicker with the settings, I will take it more.

    • How can you not feel festive after it? Well, easy, think ‘driving in NYC’ or rather stuck in traffic together with lots of stressed New Yorkers – LOL – seriously though, it is a beautiful sight.
      p.s. and I did take my big camera – photos to come soon

  2. You both look so lovely! The picture of the candle pyramid is so good. I like that vintage feel. Reminds me of my childhood. There were a few of those around in various relatives’ houses. They do make pretty neat shadows.

  3. My parents have a Christmas pyramid, brought over from Germany almost 50 years ago, and it is one of my favourite Christmas traditions. It’s such a beautiful piece, the carvings are so intricate. I would love to find one for our own house!

  4. I totally forgot to set up my pyramid. I found one at Goodwill of all places in March or April and I was so happy. Going to try to set it up this weekend! I’ve always loved my mom’s and I’m so happy that I have one of my own now. 🙂

  5. It’s fun to read about others traditions. Your tower is super cool. I bet that would be fun to watch and I love the vintage feel you gave it. I also think it would be grand to see the tree at Rockefeller center.

  6. The pyramid candle photo is gorgeous.
    Cassidy and Scarlet were contemplating going to the tree lighting but then I believe they missed it!
    They are hitting NYC on Saturday, weather permitting. I’m tempted to give him my camera! The backup one, though. I need my good one for a shoot!


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