A new coloring page of The Powerful Tigress


Welcome to the weekend on my blog

PhotobucketRemember last week’s spring coloring page? Andrea of FromTheSol grabbed the previous, unfinished version and had some coloring fun with it. But not only that, she also shared it with her readers on her blog. Why don’t you check it out? You will find it here. How awesome is that?!

Last weekend and during the week I have been doing more drawing and inking. I have actually started to zendoodle again. It is immensely relaxing for me, but at the same time makes me focus. Seems contradictory, but, trust me, it is not. My zendoodle piece isn’t finished yet, so I’d rather show you something else that I am working on, ‘The Tigress’, which is, well, half way finished. Why only half-ways you may wonder.

The thing is I got inspired by Denise’s blogpost  last Friday, in which she shared with us one of her previous art pieces of a wolf. As well as a pencil sketch for a new one, a tiger. Please hop on over to Neesie’s blog, Neesie Natters, to see her wolf work of art here. Not only will you see her beautiful artwork, but you will also have a chance to win one of Denise’s art pieces in her latest blogpost.

Her post and drawings must have had a lasting impression on me, because before I knew it I was looking at tiger photos on google images and started drawing one myself. This is the photo reference I picked.

I sketched it with pencil in my sketchbook trying to follow the lines and markings of the tiger’s face. Then I decided to add some lettering to it and the tiger became a tigress.  It is, however, only half finished, because my intent was to have this image as a template to fill with doodles. But then I thought, what if I colored it instead?

So there I was with my dilemma. Doodle or color? And it is still not solved, because neither have I colored nor zendoodled the tigress yet. Instead – I have started another picture – hahaha – oh well.

Maybe you would like to color it? Or doodle in the template? You are free to do so with the . Let me know if you publish it somewhere, which would be uber-awesome, because then I will find it and give it some love.

Anyways, and just because I am always mesmerized by speedpaintings and cannot stop to watch the drawing develop, I am also sharing with you a quick pencil sketch I did of a ‘wild haired manga girl’. Hope you like it!Cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

The Tigress – coloring page & a speedpainting sketch

13 thoughts on “A new coloring page of The Powerful Tigress”

  1. isn’t it wonderful to have a place for like minded artists to visit and find inspiration from? Great looking tiger, and I love your sweet looking manga girl. Happy PPF!

  2. I love the tiger. Have always loved big cats… I forgot to print your Spring drawing at work because something is wrong with my home printer. I’m about to give up on it and get a new one. Have a great weekend and happy Easter!

  3. Wild hair is my favourite one so far!! Would love to see more of her. And the tiger looks fantastic. I think it would be interesting to see some doodling incorporated perhaps? I am sure whatever you decide, it will look fantastic.

  4. Your tigress made me flash on the William Blake poem that I studied in high school. I was able to recite the first 4 lines, stumbling a bit over “immortal,” that’s the first stanza. So I looked it up and read the whole poem and came to a new aspect of the meaning — to me, that is.

    Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
    In the forests of the night;
    What immortal hand or eye,
    Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

    I’m thinking it is the hand and eye of the artist — Claudia — that frames the tiger’s fearful symmetry.

  5. Hi Claudia, OooOOOoo I think your Tigress is asking to be coloured in, doodling wouldn’t do her justice! I loved the speed sketch, it never fails to amaze me how some people can put pencil to paper and create something so lifelike.



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