Spring’s wonderful flower power – it’s alive!


Welcome to the weekend on my blog

How about a little change to all the drawings you have been living with lately?

Spring’s flower power is finally here, well – mostly. It is still way too cold and today it is raining and there are supposed to be thunderstorms. But, it’s o.k. Trees are getting green and blooms are everywhere. So much so that I could not resist and took a trip to the arboretum last Sunday to snap some shots. And not only did I take my trusty iPhone, but I actually dusted off my DSLR – hahaha. Seriously, it seems like it has been ages I took it for a spin. I kept it simple i.e. not simple as in easy, but simple as in no other lenses, but my Zeiss macro lens.

Below I am sharing with you what I call ‘the shots into the sky’. Shot against the light, these are not always the easiest, plus it was a little windy. But all in all it turned out to be a wonderful outing. Remember you may click on the photos to view them enlarged.

I decided to also be joining the McGuffy’s Reader and  15andmeowing.com Friday Friendly Fill ins. I hope you’ll enjoy.

  1. The most interesting museum I have been to is phew – there have been many, I really liked the MOMA in Berlin. While NYC MOMA was being renovated a few years back some of my favorite paintings were on display in Berlin. It was really exciting for me to see a Dali up close and personal.
  2. The most interesting historical place I have been to is honestly, I loved visiting all the old towns in Europe and the castles in Wales and France. Hmm, that’s historical, right?
  3. Rain is back!
  4. I was surprised when I realized yesterday that in a week it will be May and I will be spending a few days in DC, for the first time. How’s that for ‘historical place’?




If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Flower power – shot into the sky

Flower macros – shot into the light, edited in Lightroom only

10 thoughts on “Spring’s wonderful flower power – it’s alive!”

  1. Such pretty colors. We are expecting rain as well and (hopefully) thunderstorms. I love those. We need the rain. I have missed reading your posts. Been so busy at work with the usual season. Taking a few days for fun. Enjoy D.C. Interesting town full of visual delights! Me, I will be back at work again. LOL!

  2. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. It sounds like you have been to a lot of wonderful places. Have a great time in Washington DC, my hubby and I went to see the cherry blossoms there in 2011.

  3. Claudia, these are beautiful. I really am in awe. My ancestry has roots in Germany and Wales and the UK. I would love to visit a castle. The architecture of the castles and cathedrals is just amazing. Have a great weekend! Hugs.

  4. Oh those are beautiful shots. I especially love the cherry blossoms, so beautiful.

    I think that it is great that you’ve been to many of the great places in Europe.

    I hope that you have a great time in DC!

    Have a blessed weekend. 🙂

  5. STUNNING!!! I love them all and it makes me so anxious to see my garden growing! It’s still buried under leaves because our nights are cool, but soon – very soon! I spied a little green shoot under the leaves just today. I would love to visit a castle – a REAL castle. There is even one named after me in Ireland! It’s mine – they should let me stay. LOL


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