That hammock is heaven-sent! I love it. But every day there are a few hours when it is in the sun and we don’t dare use it. But mornings, afternoons and evenings – just wonderful. I wanted the nails to be Caribbean and I was thinking of the water’s color when I picked the nail color. When I got here we found that last year’s yellow hammock had turned turquoise and matched the nails perfectly. How is that for: Get your nails done so they match your hammock. Hahahaha
ugh – you’re killing me!! LOL
I want that spot. and I even like your blue toenails. 🙂
That hammock is heaven-sent! I love it. But every day there are a few hours when it is in the sun and we don’t dare use it. But mornings, afternoons and evenings – just wonderful. I wanted the nails to be Caribbean and I was thinking of the water’s color when I picked the nail color. When I got here we found that last year’s yellow hammock had turned turquoise and matched the nails perfectly. How is that for: Get your nails done so they match your hammock. Hahahaha