Dew Drops & a Quote

songographyI am having very much a slack day Sunday today. But, hey, it is Sunday, the resting day. Therefore I will also have an extremely short post today for Kathy’s You’ll-shoot-your-eyes-out Song-ography. The song this week is Passenger’s “Keep on Walking”.

“Well I walked into the morning and felt the warm sunlight forming on my shoulders…”

I took this photo right after a morning jiggy-jog, when I got home, grabbed my camera and went back. Because the early morning sunlight cast a beautiful light on lots and lots of dew drops on dandelions and other blossoms and leaves of all shapes. This is the one I selected to go along with another typography quote:

Dew Drops Macro

And with thist I will leave you until next Sunday for another round of Song-ography.

Why don’t you join us? Or you can follow me on facebookgoogle+ and twitterif you prefer and see what I come up with (to another song I don’t know yet). You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here.

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14 thoughts on “Dew Drops & a Quote”

  1. I’m so glad you “jiggy jogged” (I totally love that expression, by the way!) and noticed the beauty those dew drops were creating! Something like this, goes by unnoticed so often unfortunately. Thanks for linking up to Song-ography…and I hope you enjoyed the rest of your slack day 🙂

    • Hahaha – jiggy-jog is David’s creation, at least that is how I got to know it 😉 I totally notice everything when I am – ahem – jiggy-jogging. I mean there is nothing much to do, so my eyes wander, sometimes even my mind.

  2. I love it. At first glance it looked like ice crystals to me. Very well done. Now. Again I see something in the pic. On the right hand side of the flower, if you look closely you can see a Venetian Mask. Sideways view. Well you know me….


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