Fantasy Ice Photo

It still is very cold and snowy and icy and also sunny here in New Jersey. So what else can I show you? If not more winter photos, how about a fantasy ice photo?! I took this a few weeks ago when everything here was covered in ice overnight and it looked so beautiful. I still have heaps of photos. And here I got a little carried away with the color – I do love turquoise. And while I seriously cannot wait for warmer weather, winter really can look mighty pretty.

ice, light, bokeh, turquoise


And now to the regular feature of Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:

Okay, you know the deal – Each week, I list four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me  .

If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is LISA from LISA WRITES she who came up with the last three statements.

This week’s statements:

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1) Antibiotics always make me sick (and hopefully better in the long run).

2) If one song represents how I feel right now it is phew, several come to mind: Clocks by Coldplay, Green Day Wake me up when September ends (insert ‘winter’), REM Find the River.

3) In 2013 my biggest challenge was combining my photography biz and a full time job and it made me very busy.

4) I feel very reluctant about making New Year’s resolutions (life has way of having it’s own say in it).

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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!

10 thoughts on “Fantasy Ice Photo”

  1. an awesome post – Photography and music!! love it.
    the ice looks so fragile, so delicate. frozen art. but it’s making me think of drizzled caramel for some reason. I must be feeling better if I am thinking about desserts. 🙂

  2. All great songs. Love Green Day… Corey also gets violently ill from antibiotics but after a day or to it usually settles down. Good thing he doesn’t get sick too often to need them! 🙂 And I feel the same as you on #4.


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