It has been a while that I participated in Leslie’s Coffee Chat, but you know what? Yes, I am busy, very busy indeed at work-work and trying to juggle it with making more and more art. In fact it is ‘art every day month’ and I am taking part in it. It is important to support friends, Leslie and Leah, but also yourself. Because how can you possible give if you are too exhausted, too tired or just too blah. So, none of that now. Get a grip, Claudia!
Leslie’s question is: If you could teleport, where would you go? Hmm, the beach? Somewhere where the year is divided in 7 months of summer, 2 months each of spring and fall and 1 month of winter? Or maybe visit my mom in Germany, I haven’t seen her in over a year. Or possibly something totally different – thinking of space or Atlantis or a different time and age, time travel always fascinated me. But until we get to that kind of technology I’ll stick with what we have and fantasize about other worlds via Photoshop. Yes, after all the drawing I have been doing lately, I finally did a quickie Photoshop composite again. Nothing too fancy, but it was fun creating it.
See you all tomorrow with another edition of Wordless Wednesday.
*** Here is where I link up today. ***
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“Don’t think about making art, just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding, make even more art.”
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
The photo is awesome! I wouldn’t mind a trip to a different time if I was promised it was at a slower pace!
There’s an idea. I didn’t even think about it that it might be slower, but that would be just grand.
Love from AEDM 2015 Trixie
Loved you back 🙂 See you around!
I could definitely spend some time on a beach! But your world looks very fanciful too. Who lives in that castle? Is the butterfly actually a shapeshifter? Ohhh, the story is building in my mind already. See.. Art happens anytime you open yourself up to explore your imagination. Even in our busy seasons, we can still let our minds wander to far away spaces and places. 🙂
It is funny how much – in this respect – you and David think alike. He sees one of my composites and the wheels start churning – LOL – I really love that.
And yes, I am all for at the very least letting our minds wander.
The colours give a wonderful surrealness to this composition. I love all the contrast too of the dark bottom left with that shining light.
You know, I haven’t looked at the picture in a while and – I know I wasn’t 100 % happy with it, but now, looking at it again, I kind of like it more. I keep looking and it keeps growing on me.
Thanks for making me look again 🙂
We are often over critical during editing. Sometimes it just takes time for it to grow on you or you simply need to walk away for a bit and come back with fresh eyes. I’m glad you took another look 🙂
That is very true, for many things. Being pretty much a perfectionist, with a knack for improvising :), it is something I had to learn. But I think I finally did. Thank you, Stella.