Fantasy world / s~A(R)T~urday

Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to my Fantasy World s~A(R)T~urdaylinky party!

In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


Another Friday night, thankfully heralding the weekend. Time to rest, relax, replenish. I will be doing just that. Of course, in our usual way with bicycling etc. aaaand more painting. Yep, I started painting last weekend, but didn’t get to finish it during the week, so I cannot show you yet. Let’s hope for next weekend. But for today that means – back to the archives.

Actually, no, I will do something else. A quickie. Right now. And I do, I did – whatever. The basis is one of my ‘National Geographic Citrasolv’ pieces. Add a picture here, a picture there, a little bit of color, a little less saturation etc. etc. et voila!

So? What have you been up to? Anything exciting planned for the weekend ahead? I think it is going to be another gorgeous one around here.

And don’t forget to check out last week’s final entry to s~A(R)T~urday by Leovi of La Fotografía Efectista Abstracta – her entry here.

~ fantasy world ~

Art, composite, photoshop

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


<div align="center"><a href="" title="ImagesByCW Photography"><img src="" alt="ImagesByCW Photography" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!



22 thoughts on “Fantasy world / s~A(R)T~urday”

    • Thanks very much, Lowanda. Although, I guess I wasn’t quite clear (I just am not a writer ;), this is not the painting I want to finish, but a Photoshop composite I did quickly Friday night. I am glad you like it.

    • Thank you so much, Annie. I am truly happy and blessed to have found you and other like-minded people here. I sometimes wished more writers would join, but me being a visual artist is probably a ‘turn-off’. I love your poem very much.

  1. I love your creation, Claudia! I linked mine today (for a change – LOL). I am a bit nervous today. I am co-signing a car loan for my granddaughter. She is responsible, etc. etc. but I always have butterflies in my stomach when I make huge monetary commitments like this!! Wish us luck that all goes well.

    • Thanks, Debbi. I love your photo! However, ‘comments are closed’ 🙁 so I got to tell you here.

      Good luck with the car loan – I understand, I’d be nervous, too, despite the fact that Raven (or do you have another granddaughter?) is very responsible and mature. Anyhoo, good luck! I am sure you’ll be fine.

  2. Love the fantasy feel of this… the big moon and all dark and dreamy around it. A little jealous that you just whipped this up real quick like – LOL.
    I don’t think I quite got my vision the way I wanted this week; but it’s always fun experimenting and trying new things that challenge you. better to fall a bit short, than not try at all I say! 🙂

    • You’re jealous?! Don’t be, please, remember that I have got years of trial and error behind (and still ahead of) me? If anything I am jealous of you and what you are creating after the little time that you have spent with Photoshop. You are pretty amazing. Yes, sometimes the experiments fall a little short behind our own expectations, but that doesn’t mean that the result is less awesome. Keep on creating – that’s the key. You don’t know how close I was Friday night at not doing anything. I did not feel like creating, getting another photo, doing this and that. But then I kicked myself in the butt and – just did it. Sometimes it works out like that.

  3. I think it’s so amazing – painting and bicycling. I’m trying to find a third thing, if you can believe that. As if writing and photography don’t soothe enough. Parenting is separate from what I mean. I mean, I need something else. I think bicycling maybe! I wish I could sing and dance, though.

    • Why don’t you and Cassidy take up dancing? Or you alone. But David and I had the best times while we were taking classes. We started the usual way ‘for the wedding’, but we got totally into it and enjoyed it immensely. I still miss it and I know he does, too. One day his foot will be better and we can go dancing again the night away 🙂

  4. What a beautiful image, Claudia! Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Life has been busy here – Matt’s birthday was Sunday so there was lots of preparation and work to be ready for all the people that were in our house to celebrate with him. And since there, there’s been recovery and trying to get ahead of all the things for work. I feel like I’m meeting myself coming and going. Gotta gt myself organized and back on track.

    • Thanks, Jen. I will keep my fingers crossed that you recovery is a speedy one and you’ll get on top of things quickly. I know how challenging it can be when you are suddenly missing something that is a ‘totally normal’ part of you. Big impact on life.


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