Feeling Beachie Friday Blog Hop ~ week 104

Unfortunately I didn’t get around to preparing a photo for my Fine Art Friday, I had just too much going on this week. But I am hoping to find some time over the weekend. Supposedly another cold one. So straight on to: Feeling Beachie!


This is from Hilary’s blog:

Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at Hilary(at)feelingbeachie(dot)com. If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Pam from Trooppetrie she came up with the last two statements!

I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…

This week’s statements:

1. My tummy is my least favorite feature
2. I was very tall as a child. And guess what? I still am!
3. The first room I clean in my house is the master bath because I work my way from the furthest one upstairs to downstairs.
4. If I had the guts to speak in public then I could be … lots of (other) things.

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Today’s blog hops are:

PhotobucketLet's Get Social SundayAloha Friday Blog HopFollow Who? Social Weekend Hop

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


Thank you for being my reader.


10 thoughts on “Feeling Beachie Friday Blog Hop ~ week 104”

  1. Wait until you get old and start shrinking! 😉 Speaking in public is not so hard, if you picture the audience in their underwear. Somebody famous said that – Groucho Marx, maybe? I used to speak in public and my trick was to not focus on anyone. Have a good weekend.

    • I don’t think I’ll ever shrink that much. In relation to most people around me I’ll still be tall, but that’s o.k. Yeah, I know that saying – still…

  2. I’m not real happy with my tummy either but I look at it this way – I gave birth to three children and feel I should be excused a little that it’s not flat (not that it ever was!) 🙂 I do not like public speaking much either – I get way too nervous. Wuensche dir ein schoenes Wochenende!!!

    • I wish I had that explanation for my tummy, Susi… I get nervous, forget to breath normally and then am out of breath – after that I’m good – LOL Dir auch ein schoenes Wochenende!

  3. oddly enough, I was also tall as a child. my basketball coach was sure he’d have a 6 footer by Grade 8. and then I just stopped. like short. LOL
    But, I have no problem speaking in public. actually….I’ll talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

    • Seriously? You just stopped? How odd… nature, go figure 🙂 I guess it is the what ifs and whys that are getting to me before actually going public, but, oh well, I can live with it


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